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Customs and Traditions Who’s Who Where’s Where in the Bible

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Presentation on theme: "Customs and Traditions Who’s Who Where’s Where in the Bible"— Presentation transcript:

1 Customs and Traditions Who’s Who Where’s Where in the Bible
Jeopardy – round 1 Customs and Traditions Church Year Who’s Who Where’s Where in the Bible Just Plain Weird Catholic Colors 10 20 30 40 50

2 This common symbol of Easter is symbolic of creation and fertility
This common symbol of Easter is symbolic of creation and fertility. It represents the tomb in which Jesus came forth to new life Category

3 What is the Egg

4 Once considered a sacred plant, enemies under it were expected to call a truce. Now people kiss under it at Christmas time. Category 1 – 20 points Category

5 What is Mistletoe

6 This symbolized innocence, gentleness and affection
This symbolized innocence, gentleness and affection. It is the typical symbol of the Holy Spirit. Category 1 – 30 points

7 What is the Dove

8 Gospel meaning Category 1 – 40 points

9 What is Good News

10 These little breads were shaped in the form of arms crossed in prayer
These little breads were shaped in the form of arms crossed in prayer. We now enjoy them as a salty snack. Category 1 – 50 points

11 What are pretzels

12 This word means ‘spring’ describing lengthening of daylight after the winter solstice
Category 2 – 10 points

13 What is Lent

14 This word means ‘coming’ and is an exciting time in preparation of the Lord
Category 2 – 20 points

15 What is Advent

16 This is a religious holiday commemorating the crucifixion
Category 2 – 30 points

17 Good Friday

18 The Easter season lasts for 50 days ending with this
Category 2 – 40 points

19 What is Pentecost

20 Refers to all of those parts of the Catholic Church's liturgical year that aren't included in the major seasons Category 2 – 50 points

21 What is Ordinary Time

22 This was a beautiful garden God
Created for Adam and Eve Category 3 – 10 points

23 What is the Garden of Eden

24 I was killed by a shepherd boy
With a slingshot Category 3 – 20 points

25 Who is Goliath

26 Jews were slaves in this land ruled
By the Pharaoh Category 3 – 30 points

27 What is Egypt

28 I told Mary she would have a son and she would name him Jesus
Category 3 – 40 points

29 Who is the Angel Gabriel

30 I am a son of Adam and Eve and I
Killed my brother Abel Category 3 – 50 points

31 Who is Cain

32 Blood, frogs, gnats, flies, dead live stock, sores, hail, locusts, darkness, death of firstborn
Category 4 – 10 points

33 What are the 10 Plagues

34 Delilah did this to Samson and he lost all his strength
Category 4 – 20 points

35 What is cut off his long hair

36 Jesus cast demons out of a possessed man into these animals
Category 4 – 30 points

37 What are pigs

38 On the day of my death the sky went dark at noon, there was an earthquake and dead rose from their graves and walked the earth Category 4 – 40 points

39 Who is Jesus

40 Balaam is just minding his own business, hitting his _______ when suddenly he hears a voice. It’s his _____who is asking him why he is spanking him. Balaam doesn’t seem the least bit miffed that his _____ has starting talking in the same language as him and says, “Because thou hast mocked me.” The ______ then gets philosophical and explains the nature of their relationship and how his feelings have been hurt. Eventually they make peace. Fill in the blank – all the same word for the blanks Category 4 – 50 points

41 What is a donkey

42 Three common candles of an advent wreath are this color

43 What is Purple (can be blue)

44 This color represents Pentecost and symbolizes the intense love & fire for the Holy Spirit
Category 5 – 20 points

45 What is Red

46 Color during Ordinary Time in
The Liturgical Calendar Category 5 – 30 points

47 What is green

48 All Saints Day Category 5 – 40 points

49 What is White

50 All Souls Day Category 5 – 50 points

51 What is Black

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