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Business Simulation Seminar

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Presentation on theme: "Business Simulation Seminar"— Presentation transcript:

1 Business Simulation Seminar

2 What Does a Business Forecast?
The market Overall size Segments Sales Costs Material, labor, breakage, theft, etc. Headcount Hires and losses Cash needs Pretty much everything

3 Methods of Forecasting

4 Mathematical Linear regression

5 Mathematical Forecasting
Linear regression – potential problem

6 Mathematical Forecasting
Econometric Create complex models based upon a number of inputs E.g. sales may be a function of GDP, new home sales, existing home sales, and unemployment Other models Simple alpha – based upon prior period data Limited only be creativity

7 Delphi Method Get variety of subject matter experts together
Have each describe environment from their perspective Have each member then make own forecast Share the forecasts Discuss Repeat votes and sharing until concensus is reached

8 Practical Forecasting Example
Sales Forecast Sales = market size * market share market size = market size last period * (1 + growth rate) market share = market share last period adjusted for product improvements and changes in marketing

9 Example How many cars will you sell next year?
Market size = 10,000 cars per year Market growth = -2% Your market share = 25% You are coming out with a new line of hybrids You will spend more on advertising and improve your showroom

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