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PWS RCAC Quarterly Meeting

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Presentation on theme: "PWS RCAC Quarterly Meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 PWS RCAC Quarterly Meeting
SERVS Update May 4, 2007

2 SERVS Safety People Work Activities Quick SERVS Overview

3 SERVS 2007 Safety Statistics As of 31 March 2007

4 People 3 New Response Coordinators by end of 2nd Quarter.
New Maintenance & Logistics Supervisor in 2nd or 3rd Quarter.

5 Work Activities Normal Activities: Operational Readiness Exercises
Conducted in Cordova and Valdez to date. Remaining exercises scheduled for fall. Other Training/Exercises Planned Monthly TransRec deployments Helibucket deployment Helitorch deployment Lightering Exercise ADDS Pack training Fishing Vessel Training 4 Ports trained to date: Homer, Seward, Valdez & Cordova 176 Vessels trained. 636 Fishermen trained. Scheduled: May: Whittier, Chenega & Kodiak Anticipate 86 Vessels and 340 Fishermen September: Cordova Towing exercises 1 Conducted to date Remaining 3 to be completed before year’s end.

6 Work Activities Additional Activities:
Working with RPG on Rewrite of PWS C-Plan. Working with VMT on Rewrite of VMT C-Plan Rigorous Preparation for BP Drill. Barge Upgrade project Lead by RPG. SERVS in support role

7 Questions?….

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