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Welcome To Math Class Mrs. Sandlin Room 112.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome To Math Class Mrs. Sandlin Room 112."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome To Math Class Mrs. Sandlin Room 112

2 Important Things To Remember :
Work quietly Use Pencil only Grade in red pen only Have laptops fully charged for class Raise hand to talk Keep hands to yourself

3 Expectations Be on time to class! Have your materials for class
Have your homework COMPLETE No late work is accepted When absent you have one day per absence to turn in work missed

4 Signed Tests All tests are required to be signed
Points are taken off on folder grade if not returned ON TIME!

5 Consequences per six weeks:
Tardies handled through attendance office-Two is a referral 1 Cheating-Automatic referral Discipline issues addressed as they occur

6 Homework Consequences
First incomplete or zero-Warning #1 Second-Contact Parent Third-Office referral Fourth-Contact Parent Fifth-Office referral Tenth-Office referral

7 Tutorials Math tutorials available Mon-Fri morning 7:05-7:25 AM with Any math teacher not on duty! Sign in to document you were present Afternoon tutorials are also available most Mon, Tues, and Thurs. 2:30-3:00 PM. I will let students know when there won’t be afternoon tutorials. If and when this occurs they will usually have the option of attending another math teacher’s afternoon tutorials

8 Materials Needed for Math:
$6 for HW Sheets One 1” Soft Binder One Pack of Dividers Notebook Paper (as needed) Red Pens #2 Pencils One pack of expo markers (whiteboard)

9 Online Programs Our Math textbooks and additional resources are available online. Links will be listed on teachers websites.

10 Hall Passes 1 pass per six weeks
Must check to see if you have a pass to use, then sign and date the hall pass to carry when leaving and when you return Once the pass is used for a six weeks you may not leave; so be sure to use for emergencies only If you have not used your pass at the end of the six weeks you can use it for 10 extra credit points on your notebook grade (test grade)

11 Please Return the Student Information Sheet
Please provide the following info: Your math period Your full name A contact phone number Parent’s addresses Any comments your parents want to add Parent’s signature stating they have read all of this information

12 Teacher’s Information
Math Teacher: Mrs. Jennifer Sandlin Phone: Conference period: 1:40-2:20pm *Contact preference:

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