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Having Fun with Data Entry

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1 Having Fun with Data Entry
Justina Fyfe - United Community Action Network Michelle Helm - Portland Housing Bureau Hope Browning - Neighbor Impact

2 Introduction •What is Data Entry? The act of entering or updating data into a computer system. Data is often entered into a computer from paper documents using a keyboard, optical scanner or a data recorder. Over the last 5 – 10 years data that was collected in spreadsheets is now entered into and reported from a data base thereby reducing the need to consolidate date by hand to produce reports quickly and accurately based upon the information entered.

3 Data Entry Where does data come from and who does the data entry?
Medical Office visit preliminaries – weight, BP, pulse, etc Nurses, PA's, Doctors Test Results – blood work, ex-rays, etc Lab Techs, Specialists, etc School Enrollment forms Office Personnel Test/exam Scores Teachers

4 Data Entry Where does data come from and who does the date entry – continued Agency Applications for assistance based on funding source requirements Designated Agency Staff (Case workers, Intake personnel, etc)

5 Data Entry Determination
Who determines what data is collected? Medical Federal Standards Doctor's Associations School Standards for Education Data Collection and Reporting (SEDCAR) National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) National Cooperative Education Statistics Systems (NCESS)

6 Data Entry Determination
Who determines what data is collected? … Continued Agency Federal Funders State Funders Community Partners

7 What Data What data is required? Medical School
Name, DOB, Race/Ethnicity, Address, Insurance, medical documentation (history, test results, weight, height, etc) School Name, DOB, Race/Ethnicity, Address, Grade Level, Report Cards (did you pass or fail) etc.

8 What Data What data is required ….. Continued Agency
Federal funders request most data/information Universal Data Elements (UDE's) State funders comply/conform with Federal Standards May also request additional information at specific times Community Partners Determined by need

9 What Data What are UDE's? 13 key pieces of information or data including: Universal Data Elements Name Disabling Condition Social Security Number Residence Prior to Project Entry Date of Birth Destination at Exit Race Relationship to Head of Household Ethnicity Client Location Gender Length of Time on Street, in ES or SH Veteran Status Adults - Adults/HoH - HoH

10 What Data What are UDE's ….. Continued 5 Additional Data Elements
Domestic Violence (Adults/HoH) Services (Adults/HoH) Income Received (Y/N) (Adults/HoH) Non-Cash Benefits Received (Y/N) (Adults/HoH) Covered by Health Insurance (Y/N) (All HH Members)

11 Data Usage Who are UDE's Reported on? What does this information do?
All household members entered into programs What does this information do? Data is pulled into a variety of reports Data Quality/Completeness ESG Caper CoC APR SPM's AHAR

12 Data Usage Who uses the reports? What is the information used for?
Agencies State Funders Federal Funders What is the information used for? Program Compliance Number served Scoring for CoC Grant Application Process

13 Data Entry Where and how is our data entered? ServicePoint

14 Getting Started in ServicePoint
“Pre-flight check” For a smooth data entry process Know your workflow Documents ready Anyone ever made a purchase online? How about a reservation or registering for something online (everyone signed up for COFEE, right)? Those systems tend to pull you through the process: enter your name, your credit card number, shipping address… In ServicePoint, you need to know your steps and the order you do them matters. If you know where to look, there are hints of what you need to do, but you need to know your agency’s workflow because the system doesn’t pull you through the process.

15 Client Search/Create New Record
ClientPoint - file cabinet of records Search first - save time and prevent duplicates A wide search (eg. first 3 letters of first and last name) can catch typos and name variations If no match, enter info for a new record Data quality questions indicate the accuracy and quality of the corresponding data (required) Avoid “Data not collected”  same as blank

16 Client Search/Create New Record
In ClientPoint: Do a wide search for existing record If no match, fill in the rest of the responses Be sure to select appropriate Data Quality description Add New Client with This Information

17 Households Tabs along the top are general hints of your next step
Household “buckets” help you organize clients who commonly present together group entry or joint service This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

18 Households Households are flexible Do not delete existing households
Select different combinations of people from the household without having to create a new one Do not delete existing households Will negatively affect existing connections, causing problems for reporting and more This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

19 Households Households Tab Start New Household Select Household Type
Search and add household members (similar to search/create a record) Click Continue Indicate who is the Head of Household, and Relationship to Head of Household Joined Household Date (same as earliest entry or earlier) Save & Exit

20 ROI Release of Information Is there client consent to share data?
Each adult must give their own consent Record denied ROIs too Release Granted “No”, will not share Example ROI

21 Parent Provider, if different from login provider
ROI ROI is required for all levels where data is entered: Why??? These providers are where the data is being entered, and where data will be sharing from An ROI assigned to an incorrect provider will affect data sharing and potentially, reporting Login Provider Entry Provider Parent Provider, if different from login provider Data Sharing

22 Entry/Exit Assessment

23 Entry/Exit Assessment
Search for the program that they will be receiving assistance under Select the type of program: Basic – HUD – PATH – RHY – VA, Etc

24 Entry/Exit Assessment
Does this information look familiar

25 Entry/Exit Assessment
This        changes to this   Click to add text

26 Entry/Exit Assessment
From this           to this

27 Entry/Exit Assessment
To complete, click on HUD Verification, click NO at the top, then change the appropriate type to Yes – Save & Exit

28 Entry/Exit Assessment
There are four items that require HUD Verification: Insurance Disability Non-Cash Benefits Income

29 Entry/Exit Assessment
Income section also provides a quick reference to monthly and annual gross income

30 Entry/Exit Assessment
The above information is important as it pulls into various reports. Not all agencies or programs require address information – however, if you are paying rent it is good to have the location and landlord information!

31 Entry/Exit Assessment
If they are a DV victim/survivor, then the following 2 questions need to be answered. Once the above information is complete you can Save & Exit if single person or all HH members have been completed.    If there is more than one HH member, then click Save and return to the top of the page to use the Add Household Data Button 

32 Entry/Exit Assessment

33 Entry/Exit Assessment
Using information from your file case notes enter the reason they are leaving the program. Based on your discussion with the participant prior to exit, enter where they will be going at exit.  Review the list as there are many options. The Exit is done utilizing the pencil next to Exit Date

34 Interim Assessments *****************************
Interim Assessments are completed in order to track change over time.

35 Interim Assessments What types of changes are tracked?
Anything dynamic – income, insurance, disability, etc. Housing Move-In Date Head of household changes 1 2 Then... 3

36 Interim Assessments Adding Interim Review Steps
1. Include the appropriate HH members 2. Interim Review Type 3. Review Date: Date changes take place/review takes place 4. Save & Continue 5. Update Information 6. Save and Exit 1 2 3 4

37 Interim Assessments Annual Reviews Annual Reviews must be completed +/- 30 days of HoH's entry anniversary date. It is recommended that you match the Annual Review date with the anniversary date. Adding Annual Review Steps 1. Select all stayers 2. Interim Review Type = "Annual Assessment" 3. Review Date = Anniversary date of HoH's entry 4. Save & Continue 5. Update Information 6. Save & Exit 1 2 3 4

38 Interim Assessments Updating HUD Verification Steps
1. Update Yes/No question 2. Click magnifying glass 1 2

39 Interim Assessments Updating HUD Verification Steps
3. Sort rows by clicking column headers 4. Click pencil to edit 3 4

40 Interim Assessments Updating HUD Verification Steps
5. Add end date and Save 5

41 Interim Assessments Updating HUD Verification Steps
6. Scroll Down and hit Add to add a new line of data    7. Complete the Start Date, Source of Income 8. Save assessment 6 7 8

42 Reports can be accessed from any screen using the left hand menu
Reporting There are three types of Reports Canned Reports Many open to all Art Reports Special License Required Custom Reports For specific programs Reports can be accessed from any screen using the left hand menu

43 Reporting Canned Reports

44 Custom Reports include both ART and Special Program Reports
Reporting Custom Reports include both ART and Special Program Reports

45 Reporting One of the most commonly used Canned Reports is the ESG Caper Used as a quick report to determine participant counts Errors in data Clicking on the number you can see participant ID numbers so you can go directly to that individual to correct  Mostly for the quarterly OHCS Reports

46 ESG CAPER To run the ESG Caper Report
From the Dashboard under provider reports click on ESG Caper




50 ESG CAPER This report includes HUD UDE's, Living Situation at entry, Length of time on program, Exit Destination >90 days on program or <90 days on program, etc. There are more than 26 elements in the 10 or more pages to this report. 

51 Federal Funding HUD- VASH

52 Federal Funders - Manuals
COC: Continuum of Care ESG: Emergency Solutions Grant HOPWA: Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS SSVF & GPD: Supportive Services for Veterans Families & Grant Per Diem PATH: Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness RHY: Runaway & Homeless Youth

53 Open Discussion What kinds of challenges are there to meeting the data needs of the different federal funders? Feel free to share some of your experiences, thoughts, and wisdom.

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