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The Order of Sons of Pericles Start up Manual. Sons of Pericles Start up Manual2 History The Sons of Pericles is the charitable, non-profit, junior order.

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Presentation on theme: "The Order of Sons of Pericles Start up Manual. Sons of Pericles Start up Manual2 History The Sons of Pericles is the charitable, non-profit, junior order."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Order of Sons of Pericles Start up Manual

2 Sons of Pericles Start up Manual2 History The Sons of Pericles is the charitable, non-profit, junior order of AHEPA (American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association). The goals of the organization are fairly simple: to promote Hellenism, as well as to promote philanthropy, civic responsibility, athletics, education, and individual excellence. We are the future of the Greek-North American culture. Our organization was founded in 1926, in an effort to help strengthen the AHEPA.

3 Sons of Pericles Start up Manual3 Mission Each Year the Sons: - Award Scholarships - Promote Athletics - Promote Hellenism - Raise funds for Charities

4 Sons of Pericles Start up Manual4 How Can I start a Sons Chapter? Are you male? Are you of Greek descent or a Phil-Helene (non-Greek with special enthusiasm for Greek culture)? Are you between the ages of 14-27? A fully active chapter consists of eight Sons. If you cannot find enough people to start a chapter, you can become a Member at Large. This gives you all the benefits of being a Son, even if you are unable to start a new chapter or join an existing one. Members 14-17 have no dues, thats right, no cost absolutely free. Once a member reaches 18 years of age dues are a fixed rate of $40 each year for the members remaining time in the organization.

5 Sons of Pericles Start up Manual5 Dual Membership Since the Sons of Pericles is the junior order of AHEPA, they have put in place a dual membership program. Upon reaching the age of 18, a Son is eligible to become a member of AHEPA. We are proud to say that all Sons of Pericles who are old enough to be AHEPANs have participated in the dual membership program. The respect shown by each order to one another has helped strengthen the AHEPA family. They are proud to have made this process easy for Sons. Upon reaching 18, dues for the Order of AHEPA and the Sons of Pericles are combined. The $40 paid by an 18 year old go to both their AHEPA dues and their Sons of Pericles dues.

6 Sons of Pericles Start up Manual6 Benefits: Future AHEPA Leadership comes from Sons of Pericles Nicholas Karacostas Lee J Millas James Scofield Nick Demeris George Dariotis John Grossomanides Basil Mossaides George Vassilas Sandy Papadopoulos

7 Sons of Pericles Start up Manual7

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