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JCL Standards #3 Company Name

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Presentation on theme: "JCL Standards #3 Company Name"— Presentation transcript:

1 JCL Standards #3 Company Name
Graphic: Insert your organization's name in the above slide. Audio should cover the following: Welcome to the JCL Standards #3 presentation. My name is _____. I work in the ___ department and have been using JCL for ___ years. (This should be expanded so the learner is confident that you have the right credentials to create this presentation.) This presentation follows on from several Datatrain modules and explains the types of data sets that are used in our organization, and the standards that govern their use.

2 Data set usage Which data sets do we use?
What standards are used when special data sets are created? Audio should cover the following: In this session, you will see how different types of special data sets are used in our organization, including generation data sets, temporary data sets, and tape data sets. You will also look at the rules and standards that govern their use.

3 Using generation data sets
Who can use generation data sets? Naming standards Number of generations allowed Audio may need to cover the following: Explain whether generation data sets are available to all people or groups in your organization. For example, in some cases they are restricted to production and are not allowed in testing, or are only allowed for backups or contingency-related data sets. If you are trying to create the GDG base entry but receiving errors, you should contact ___ as you may not have the authority to perform this task. In our organization, the data set naming standards are enforced for generation data sets also. The standard names used for these types of data sets are ____. (Explain what these are, why they are used, and where the learner can obtain a copy of the standards.) Your organization might also have standards that restrict the number of generations that are allowed to be created. If so, explain the standard and the reason for the restriction.

4 Generation data set attributes
Which data set parameters should be used when creating or referencing generation data sets? How does DFSMS get involved with generation data sets? Graphics: Select an example of JCL that is standard for creating a GDG base entry to replace the example on the above slide. Audio may need to cover the following: When creating a new GDG using IDCAMS, standards relating to the attributes specified are used. (Explain why these standards are used and the circumstances in which they are used, for example, if the NOEMPTY and SCRATCH parameters are used.) You may also want to discuss whether DFSMS gets involved with the early migration of GDG data sets and the action that is defined when rolled-off generation data sets are encountered, that is, expired or migrated.

5 Tapes and cartridges What are tapes and cartridges used for?
Who is allowed to use these devices? Audio should cover the following: Datatrain courses contain a whole module on tape data sets, but how are these used? (Explain what type of devices that are available, such as tape, reel, and cartridge, and their purposes, such as backups, large data sets, and for transfer to other organizations.) If you run a virtual tape system, explain how this runs and any implications it has for your learners; for example, they may not be authorized to use it. An explanation will be required if the use of these devices is only for specific personnel or groups. For example, if everyone was allowed access to these devices, the data center’s allocation would be exhausted in a short period of time. Explain the process whereby personnel can be granted access to the devices.

6 Tape data sets – UNIT parameter
What generic names do we use for tapes and cartridges? When can you run a job that requires tape processing? Other UNIT parameter standards and rules Graphics: Select an example of JCL that is referencing a tape to replace the example on the above slide. Audio should cover the following: Explain the different tape mediums that are used by the organization and the coding associated with them, for example, UNIT=TAPE, UNIT=REEL, UNIT=CART. Explain that tape jobs may be delayed because other processing has been prioritized. Explain the following standards and rules that govern tape processing, if they are relevant: In some organizations, the UNIT parameter is only specified for tape data sets as the default is DASD. Some organizations enforce the use of UNIT=AFF=___ to reduce the number of units used by the job. Explain the rules that govern the number of tapes, cartridges, or drive that can be used for a single step or job, and the reasoning behind it. For example, resources are limited or certain times of the day are allocated to tape jobs.

7 Tape data set attributes
Do you need to specify a volume serial number? What LABEL criteria do you need to provide? Expiry dates and retention periods Audio should cover the following, if relevant: In some organizations a range of scratch tapes or cartridges are provided only to specific groups so a specific volume serial number must be coded when a data set is created on tape. Standards and/or specific steps may need to be followed in order to hand that volume to the operator. General processing requirements may also be associated with the tape or cartridge. If you deal with another organization that forwards tapes to you for processing, you must code that volser into the JCL to request that it is loaded as the data set on the tape will not be cataloged on your system. In the above circumstances, the organization passing the tape to you (or you could be passing it to them) may require a specific type of label on the tape. Explain who this customer is and the tape formatting that they require. Our organization has a list of standard expiry dates and retention periods, which are located ____ . (Some organizations have rules that demand that an expiry date or retention period is provided for a tape data set. Explain what the default is if one of these is not entered.)

8 Temporary data sets Should you code a data set name?
Can you use VIO for your temporary data set? Audio should cover the following, if relevant: The Datatrain courses explain that if you do not code a data set name for your temporary data set, the system will automatically create one for you. In our organization, the standard is to code/not code the data set name. (If users are required to enter a temporary data set name, explain your organization's naming convention.) Datatrain courses also explain the use of VIO for temporary data sets. We do/do not use this in our organization. (If VIO is used in your organization, explain the rules that apply to groups and teams who can use it, and the characteristics that temporary data sets must have, that is, data sets under a certain size.)

9 Referbacks Are there standards regarding when you can use a referback?
Audio should cover the following, if relevant: The Datatrain courses explain how referbacks can be specified for the parameters DSNAME, VOLUME, and DCB. They also show you how sysout attributes can be obtained from a previous OUTPUT statement or from the MSGCLASS parameter in the JOB statement. (Explain whether these types of referbacks are encouraged or discouraged, and the justification for your organization's approach.)

10 Miscellaneous step requirements
How do you find PARM information that must be coded on an EXEC statement? How do you use JOBLIB and STEPLIB statements? When should you use SYSABEND, SYSUDUMP, and SYSMDUMP DD statements? Audio should cover the following, if relevant: This slide covers the Datatrain course topics that do not relate specifically to data sets. We have a number of programs and procedures whereby you can pass a parameter value. (Provide some examples of these, such as SAS, and include one that has been created in-house. Also explain the standards and/or documentation that govern the use of parameters.) In some organizations, STEPLIB statements are recommended instead of JOBLIB so that it is clear where programs are being accessed from. Your organization's standard may disallow both these statements by ensuring that only the programs stored in relevant libraries are used. If this is the case in your organization, provide an explanation. In some organizations, SYSABEND, SYSUDUMP, and SYSMDUMP DD statements are not used. If this is the case in your organization, provide an explanation.

11 Summary Data sets used by the organization Rules when using data sets
Audio: This presentation focused on the way generation data sets, temporary data sets, and tape data sets are used in our organization. You now know whether you can access them and the standards that apply to their use. You also discovered the standards related to referencing programs by using the JOBLIB and STEPLIB statements, how to find the correct PARM information to pass to a program, and whether to use SYSABEND, SYSUDUMP, and SYSMDUMP DD statements. The next stage in your training schedule is the “Coding Procedures and JES2 Control Statements” pathway. If you have any questions about the content of this presentation or the Datatrain modules, please forward them to _______ so they can be included in our Webinar discussion at the end of the “Identify and Resolving Batch Problems” Learning Pathway. Thank you for attending.

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