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INCLUDE ME! Improving SEMH provision.

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1 INCLUDE ME! Improving SEMH provision.
23rd June 20165 INCLUDE ME! Improving SEMH provision. A Schools and Learning traded service


3 Provision for learners with SEMH

4 KS4 (2015) At KS4 Oxfordshire SEN Support (K) pupils continue to perform poorly against similar pupils elsewhere with 15.3% achieving 5+ GCSEs at A*-C inc. English and maths compared with 23.5% nationally, ranked 14th lowest nationally for this measure and lowest of the statistical neighbours. Lowest performing group were those with SEMH with only 20% making expected progress compared with 44.3% of any SEN. Lowest performing group at KS2. Improve Attendance, reduce exclusion, Raise Attainment. EARLY identification, Assessment of need+ CLOSE THE GAP!

5 in Oxfordshire Schools Pupils in need of specialist support
Process for supporting provision for SEMH needs in Oxfordshire Schools All pupils Inclusive Practice School Ethos Care and Support Promoting good mental health (PHSE) Pupils with SEN K - SEMH Pupil Profile Nurture provision HSLW ELSA Learning base Pupils at risk CAF/TAC Inclusion Support Plan ELSA/CAMHs Referrals (EP, PCAMHS) Outside support Pupils in need of specialist support CAMHS SEN additional funding/EHCP Specialist provision Whole school training Education Inclusion Specialist outreach Therapeutic support Early identification, examination of risk factors, effective assessment of need. WHOLE SCHOOL APPROACH. Training – CAF (EARLY HELP) /TAC, ISPs, Trauma / attachment aware EP or CAMHs support PIYFAP/IYFAP Monitor effectiveness of provision. Focus on achievable learning outcomes

6 What you offer in terms of support for individual learners with SEMH needs?
Training opportunities and research projects planned for education ( ) – with projected outcomes. Any other support / information that would be useful for education settings to be aware of. Examples of best practice. Where education is working well with Health and / or Social Care to improve outcomes for learners with SEMH.

7 Provision for learners with SEMH needs Summer 2017

8 AGENDA 9:30 to 10:30 Jean Gross (Oxford Suite) 10:30 to 11:30
Keynote from Betsy de Thierry (Oxford Suite) 11:30 to 11:40 Oxfordshire support for SEMH and overview – OXSIT (Oxford Suite) 11:40 to 12:00 Refreshments and viewing of stalls (Exhibition Hall) 12:00 to 1:15 Workshops – Your chosen workshop preference- on your badge 1:15 to 2:00 Lunch and viewing of stalls (Exhibition Hall) 2:00 to 3:00 Keynote from MBOX – Dawn Davidson and Ray Burrows (Oxford Suite) OR 2:00 to 3:00 SENSS Workshop 3:00 to 3:10 Refreshments 3:10 to 4:10 Keynote from Chris Woodcock (Oxford Suite) OR 3:10 to 4:10 CAMHS Workshop 4:10 to 4:30 Closing – The OXSIT Team (Oxford Suite) including a prize draw for delegates.

9 Current Provision to support learners with SEMH
Culture of Inclusion (attachment aware / trauma aware school / setting) Quality First Teaching high level of skill in teachers including learners with SEMH in the classroom Early identification of need Interventions to support learners Assessments to identify next steps for support Parental partnership in learning Frameworks to support progress and build capacity (CAF / TAC / ISP etc ) Areas for development What is your outcome for provision at the end of the next academic year? How will you measure progress towards this?

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