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Vocabulary Clay – moist earth of decomposed rock Firing –

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1 Vocabulary Clay – moist earth of decomposed rock Firing –
baking clay at a high temperature Leatherhard – unfired clay not quite dry but firm enough to carve Greenware – clay in unfired state Bisque – first firing without glaze Kiln – furnace used to fire clay Glaze – finely ground mineral solution, turns to glass when fired

2 Preparing your clay for sculpting
Wedging removes air pockets

3 Tools Anything will work!

4 Methods of sculpting with Clay
Pinch Pots or Modeling with clay Coil Building Slab and Slip Methods

5 Modeling clay into a pinch pot.
Start with a ball. Push thumb into center. Pinch from bottom upward. Shape and smooth for finished pot. Review Methods

6 Modeling clay using coil method
Roll clay into coils or “wormies” Attach using the slip and score method Rolling spirals Spheres or Disc shapes Review Methods

7 Sculpting with the Slab Method
Flatten clay Roll and cut to size Score and Slip Join and reinforce Smooth with tools Finish and repeat Review Methods

8 Student Projects

9 Review Questions 1. Unfired clay not quite dry but firm enough to carve 2. Furnace used to fire clay 3. Baking clay at a high temperature 4. Clay in unfired state 5. Moist earth of decomposed rock 6. First firing without glaze 7. Finely ground mineral solution, turns to glass when fired 8. This is done to clay to remove air pockets. 9. This method is attaching flat pieces of clay together. 10. To attach 2 pieces of clay together you should do what?

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