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Chapter 1: Intro to Social Psychology

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1 Chapter 1: Intro to Social Psychology
Part 1: Wed. Jan. 14 (Basic Outline only)

2 What is Social Psychology?
The scientific study of how individuals think about, influence & relate to one another …in a social context 4 emphases this semester: what are they? Big picture focused on social thinking, social influence, & social relations  and Context!

3 Social Psych and Other Fields
Little overlap with clinical psych Differences? Overlaps more with Cognitive Psych and Personality Psych – Sociology – differs from social psychology in level of analysis & research methods used Group vs. individual level of analysis

4 Importance of Context Research-based examples of how the situation can influence us: 1984 Presidential Debate results: How did perceptions differ based on what was heard on the audio tape?

5 2. Discussion of shoes vs. travel –
what do you hear given the context? 3. “Pearls before breakfast” experiment - Violinist playing in the subway station How did context impact people’s reactions to the violinist?

6 4. Vietnam soldiers’ heroin use
Addiction while in Vietnam  treatment Relapse of group who were treated in Vietnam, then returned home? Typical relapse of those treated in U.S.?

7 Benefits of Social Psych research:
Differs from hindsight Use of theories & predictions (hypotheses) What are theories? Need well-controlled studies - Some results appear counterintuitive How to increase voter turnout?

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