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Juliana, Autumn, Justin, Nehemiah, Billy

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1 Juliana, Autumn, Justin, Nehemiah, Billy
Fun in the Puns Juliana, Autumn, Justin, Nehemiah, Billy

2 What are puns? pun noun 1. a joke exploiting the different possible meanings of a word or the fact that there are words that sound alike but have different meanings. Puns are a “play on words” that usually take on a humorous effect.

3 What are puns?(cont.) Puns are a very popular literary device where a phrase can be interpreted in two or more possible ways. Puns can also refer to similar sounding words than the ones presented in the reading. The trick is to make the reader have an “ah!” moment and discover the irony or wryness in the sentence read.

4 Types of Puns There are 2 types of puns.
"Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this son of York" (Son/sun) Types of Puns There are 2 types of puns. The first kind of pun is one used for an ironic effect for comic relief. Such as “3/2 people do not know how to do fractions.”

5 What does this pun mean? Why is it a pun? Why is it ironic?
Types of Puns (cont.) There are also non humorous puns used in more formal literature. These puns have been used by such writers such as Alexander Pope and William Shakespeare. In fact, Shakespeare used over 3,000 non-humorous puns in his writing. Here is an example: “Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious by this son of York.” What does this pun mean? Why is it a pun? Why is it ironic?

6 Categories of Puns Homphonic pun: Uses words that are alike, but not synonymous, to make a pun. Example: “A good pun is its own reword.”

7 Categories of Puns(cont)
Homographic pun: Created in one of two ways- either by using a word that has two different meanings, or substituting words with the exact same spelling for the word in which it was substituted with. Example: “Did you hear about the optometrist who fell into a lens grinder and made a spectacle of himself?”

8 Categories of puns(cont.)
Compound puns: Made by using a string of two or more words that are similar to a string of different sounding words. Example: “Let’s talk about rights and lefts. You’re right, so I left.”

9 Categories of puns(cont)
Recursive pun: One where the second aspect of a pun relies on the reader having an understanding of the first part. For example:  "π is only half a pie.” They are trying to put a spin on the fact that a pie is a complete circle whereas pi is only half, and as a reader, it is your job to know that.

10 Categories of Puns(cont.)
A visual pun is a pun that is based on a picture. For example:

11 Facts? A person who is fond of making puns is called apunster.
“Puns” is known in rhetoric as paronomasia.

12 Identify these puns. “A blind man picked up a hammer and saw.”
“Infinity is not in finity.”  “Santa’s helpers are subordinate Clauses.” “Joey is crying because he got hit by a bawl.” What kind of pun is this one? Types of puns: Homophonic, Homographic, Compound, Recursive, visual

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