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Welcome to Surviving in a New World Order? Joseph Widoff President and CEO, WHRO Larry Crum Chief Ed. & Strategic Planning Officer Brian Callahan New Product.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Surviving in a New World Order? Joseph Widoff President and CEO, WHRO Larry Crum Chief Ed. & Strategic Planning Officer Brian Callahan New Product."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Surviving in a New World Order? Joseph Widoff President and CEO, WHRO Larry Crum Chief Ed. & Strategic Planning Officer Brian Callahan New Product Development Officer

2 Surviving in a New World Order Structure and Tools: Setting up for Business Board Level Changes Education Policy Level Introductions Education Relationships Relationships and Services Strategic Positioning A WHRO NETA Session The Next 90 Minutes of Your Life

3 Surviving in a New World Order Educational Services in the New World Order – Face to Face Courses Online Courses Distance Learning via H.323 Video on Demand In-depth Financial Analysis of Services Establishing True to Cost Environmental Scan Issues Discussion Groups – Survival Feedback

4 What is New World Order? Traditional Boundaries No Longer Exist Roles, Rules, Relationships Change Funding Model of Past is Invalid Interactive, Dynamic, Learner Controlled Commercial and Noncommercial Blur The Edge of Chaos and Order

5 Surviving in a New World Order Task Forces: Board and Community Findings and Actions Preparation for Change: Working with the Stakeholders New Governance, Bylaws & Articles of Incorporation

6 WHRO Board of Directors 14 Member Directors 14 Public Directors 5 Institutional Directors 7 Ex Officio Directors HRETA (14 School Divisions) WHRO CEO WHRO Foundation Board of Directors Past WHRO Organizational Structure Development Division Content Division Technology Division COO Education New Product Development

7 WHRO Board of Directors HRETA (14 School Divisions) WHRO CEO WHRO Foundation Board of Directors Revised WHRO Organizational Structure Development Content DivisionTechnology Division COO Education (25 Directors) Admin/FinanceNew Product Development

8 Revised HRETA Structure HRETA 14 School Board Members Or Superintendents Superintendents Council Other Committees Technology Committee Educational Advisory Committee

9 Relationships & Service Education Customer Has the Needs Depends on the Service Providers Tools and Expertise Invests in the Solution Has Specific Preferences No brand exclusivity Best pricing for preferred product Efficient delivery and service Competitive environment Works with Those They Trust

10 Relationships & Service Scaffolding Video Delivery Broadcast Satellite Internet H.323 DTV? Cable Future Services Build on Past Performance. Emerging Technology does not Eliminate Previous Technology. Interactive

11 Relationships & Service Scaffolding Teacher Training with Media Evolution ITV Live Internet Multimedia ITV Taped Receive Classroom Teachers & Class Technology Standards For Educators & Integration Access and Integration - Teachers Media Integration Teachers & Librarians Staff Development Supervisor Relationship

12 Relationships & Service To Whom do you Listen? Chief Information Officers Assistant Superintendents & Curriculum Supervisors Superintendents School Board Members Instructional Computing Specialists Library Media Specialists Teachers

13 Relationships & Service Grant Officers & Other Funding Sources? State Budgets – Dept. of Ed. & Legislators? School System Personnel with Budget Control and Accessible Dollars? To What Extent Does Funding Dictate Content? To Whom do you Listen?

14 Relat ionsh ips & Service Navigating the Customer Fear Complex Fear of Being Left Behind Fear of Looking Really Stupid Fear of Public Humiliation Fear of losing End of Year Money Fear of Failure

15 Relationships & Service Present Funding Source Ratio

16 Relationships & Service Future Funding Source Ratio?

17 Survival in the New World Order Business Approach Assigning Real Costs Against Revenue Including Share of Overhead Prioritizing New Services Value of Outside Consultant Assessing Revenue versus Total Expenses

18 WHRO Businesses – New World Impact Public Television Public Radio Education Technology Media Solutions Development

19 Educational Services in the New World New Services Overview Professional Development Face-To-Face Courses Web-based Courses Synchronous Distance Learning Courses Hybrid Courses Leading-edge Technology-based Resources Video On-demand Web-based Resources DTV-delivered Rich Media

20 Educational Services in the New World Professional Development Face-To-Face Courses Hands-on courses that support new services Synchronous courses delivered via H.323 Web-based Courses PBS TeacherLine C.I.I. Anytime Anywhere Other locally developed online courses Post-secondary courses Hybrid Courses

21 Educational Services in the New World Leading-Edge Technology-Based Resources Video On-demand UnitedStreaming Other digitized video Web-based Resources Cultural Portal SOL-correlated lesson plan database Other content specific web sites DTV-delivered Rich Media PBS Digital Classroom pilot participant OnCourse participant

22 Educational Services in the New World Educational Regional Area Network (eRAN) WHRO provides ISP services to over 150 educational, cultural, and other non- profit institutions.

23 Educational Services in the New World eRAN - Services Internet service and associated network management Platform for delivering new educational services Unitedstreaming video-on-demand NovaNet alternative education program Content filtering Video over I.P. employing the H.323 standard (a.k.a. SmartLearning)

24 Educational Services in the New World eRAN – Implications for New Products/Services The eRAN allows schools to control bandwidth available for applications.

25 Educational Services in the New World eRAN - International Implications Schools anywhere in the world can still utilize programs and services generated by WHRO or schools connected to eRAN.

26 Relationships & Service Atop a hundred foot pole, how do you step forward? Shishuang

27 Relationships & Service In a world of fugitives the person taking the opposite direction will appear to run away? T.S. Eliot

28 Surviving in a New World Order Is ITV Still Alive in the Traditional Sense? Is it Fundable? What Happens to the Traditional Service Boundary in an Internet Based World? Environmental Scan Issues

29 Surviving in a New World Order What are the Viable Services in the New World Order? Who are the New Competitors? Environmental Scan Issues What is the New Funding Model for Education Services in PTV Stations?

30 Summary and Wrap Thanks for Attending and Participating

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