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Two-Variable Regression Model: The Problem of Estimation

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1 Two-Variable Regression Model: The Problem of Estimation
Regression Analysis Chapters 3 Two-Variable Regression Model: The Problem of Estimation

2 Estimate the population regression function (PRF) on the basis of the sample regression function (SRF) two generally used methods of estimation: (1) ordinary least squares (OLS) (2) maximum likelihood (ML). the method of OLS is used extensively in regression analysis

The method of ordinary least squares is attributed to Carl Friedrich Gauss PRF is not directly observable, We estimate it from the SRF: But how is the SRF itself determined?

4 Now given n pairs of observations on Y and X, we would like to determine the SRF in such a manner that it is as close as possible to the actual Y. Choose the SRF in such a way that: the sum of the residuals is as small as possible. all the residuals receive equal importance no matter how close or how widely scattered the individual observations are from the SRF.

5 A consequence of this is that it is quite possible that the algebraic sum of the residual is small (even zero) although the residual are widely scattered about the SRF.

6 We can avoid this problem if we adopt the least-squares criterion, the squared residuals is as small as possible (3.1.2) It is obvious from (3.1.2) that the sum of the squared residuals is some function of the estimators.

7 the method of least squares provides us with unique estimates of β1 and β2 that give the smallest possible value of 

8 (2)-(1)得 :

9 The estimators obtained previously are known as the least-squares estimators, numerical properties of estimators obtained by the method of OLS: I. The OLS estimators are expressed solely in terms of the observable (i.e.,sample) quantities (i.e., X and Y). II. They are point estimators III. Once the OLS estimates are obtained from the sample data, the sample regression line (Figure 3.1) can be easily obtained. The regression line thus obtained has the following properties:

10 1. It passes through the sample means of Y and X.
from (3.1.7) 2. The mean value of the estimated Y is equal to the mean value of the actual Y Summing both sides of this last equality over the sample values and dividing through by the sample size n

11 3. The mean value of the residuals is zero.
the sample regression sum (2.6.2) on both sides to give Dividing Eq. (3.1.11) through by n, we obtain which is the same as (3.1.7). Subtracting Eq. (3.1.12) from (2.6.2), we obtain

12 4. The residuals are uncorrelated with the predicted Y.
5. The residuals are uncorrelated with X

draw inferences(推断) about the true β1 and β2 PRF: Assumptions made about the Xi variable(s) and the error term are extremely critical to the valid interpretation of the regression estimates. The Gaussian, standard, or classical linear regression model (CLRM)


15 In other words, richer families on the average consume more than poorer families, but there is also more variability in the consumption expenditure of the former.

16 Dependent on type of data


18 (1)What variables should be included in the model?
(2)What is the functional form of the model? Is it linear in the parameters, the variables, or both? (3)What are the probabilistic assumptions made about the Yi , the Xi, and the ui entering the model?

From Eqs. (3.1.6) and (3.1.7), it is evident that least-squares estimates are a function of the sample data. But since the data are likely to change from sample to sample, the estimates will change ipso facto. what is needed is some measure of “reliability” (可靠性)or precision (精度)of the estimators(估计量). In statistics the precision of an estimate is measured by its standard error (se 标准误).

20 the standard errors of the OLS estimates



the least-squares estimates possess some ideal or optimum properties. These properties are contained in the well-known Gauss–Markov theorem. To understand this theorem, we need to consider the best linear unbiasedness property(最佳线性无偏性质) of an estimator。 best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE): 1. It is linear 2. It is unbiased 3. It has minimum variance in the class of all such linear unbiased estimators


25 We now consider the goodness of fit of the fitted regression line to a set of data;
we shall find out how “well” the sample regression line fits the data. What we hope for is that these residuals around the regression line are as small as possible.

26 Venn diagram(维恩图), or the Ballentine(巴伦坦图)
The overlap of the two circles (the shaded area) indicates the extent to which the variation in Y is explained by the variation in X (say, via an OLS regression).

27 The greater the extent of the overlap, the greater the variation in Y is explained by X.
为总平方和(TSS:total sum of squares),表示实测的Y 值围绕其均值的总变异


29 dividing (3.5.2) by TSS on both sides, we obtain
coefficient of determination (判定或可决系数)r 2 measures the proportion or percentage of the total variation in Y explained by the regression model.

30 Two properties of r2 may be noted:
1. It is a nonnegative quantity. 2. Its limits are 0 ≤ r2 ≤ 1. r2 can be obtained more quickly from the following formula:

31 coefficient of correlation r
Some of the properties of r: 1. It can be positive or negative 2. It lies between the limits of −1 and +1 3. It is symmetrical in nature 4. It is independent of the origin and scale 5. If X and Y are statistically independent, the correlation coefficient between them is zero 6. It is a measure of linear association or linear dependence only 7. it does not necessarily imply any cause-and-effect relationship

The basic framework of regression analysis is the CLRM(经典线性回归模型). 2. The CLRM is based on a set of assumptions. 3. Based on these assumptions, the least-squares estimators are BLUE(最优线性无偏性质) 4. The precision of OLS estimators is measured by their standard errors.

33 5. The overall goodness of fit of the regression model is measured by the coefficient of determination. 6. A concept related to the coefficient of determination is the coefficient of correlation It is a measure of linear association between two variables and it lies between −1 and +1. 7. The CLRM is a theoretical construct or abstraction because it is based on a set of assumptions that may be stringent or “unrealistic.”

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