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The Windows Azure Platform: When and Why to Use It

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Presentation on theme: "The Windows Azure Platform: When and Why to Use It"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Windows Azure Platform: When and Why to Use It
David Chappell Chappell & Associates Session Code: ARC201

2 Goals Describe the Windows Azure platform
Look at some typical scenarios for using the Windows Azure platform Compare the Windows Azure platform with other cloud platforms

3 An Overview of the Windows Azure Platform

4 The Windows Azure Platform Formerly known as the Azure Services Platform
SQL Azure Windows Azure Cloud Applications .NET Services On-Premises Applications Others Windows

5 Windows Azure An illustration
Application Config Storage Compute Fabric SQL Azure Applications .NET Services Windows Azure Applications Windows Others

6 Windows Azure Compute Service A closer look
VMs Load Balancer HTTP/ HTTPS IIS Web Role Instance Worker Role Instance Agent Application Compute Storage Fabric

7 Windows Azure Storage Service A closer look
HTTP/ HTTPS Blobs Tables Queues Compute Storage Fabric

8 SQL Azure Formerly known as SQL Services
SQL Azure Database Others (Future) SQL Azure Applications .NET Services Windows Azure Applications Windows Others

9 SQL Azure Database An Illustration
TDS Application SQL Azure Database Others (Future)

10 SQL Azure Database Using one or multiple databases
Application Database Max database size is 10 GB Database Application

11 .NET Services Infrastructure in the cloud
? Service Bus Access Control SQL Azure Applications .NET Services Windows Azure Applications Windows Others

12 Windows Azure Platform Pricing (1)
Compute: $0.12/hour for each VM instance Storage: Data: $0.15/GB per month (tables, blobs) Access: $0.01/10,000 operations (tables, blobs, queues) Bandwidth: $0.10/GB in, $0.15/GB out .NET Services Messages: $0.15/100,000 message operations Includes Service Bus messages and Access Control tokens

13 Windows Azure Platform Pricing (2)
SQL Azure Database Web Edition Data: $9.99/month for a database up to 1 GB Bandwidth: $0.10/GB in, $0.15/GB out Business Edition Data: $99.99/month for a database up to 10 GB

14 Using the Windows Azure Platform: Scenarios

15 Applying Azure (1) Some characteristics of Azure-appropriate applications
Apps that need massive scale Example: A Web 2.0 application Apps that need high reliability Example: A Software as a Service (SaaS) application Apps with variable load Example: An on-line ticketing application Example: An on-premises app that needs occasional extra capacity

16 Applying Azure (2) Some characteristics of Azure-appropriate applications
Apps with a short or unpredictable lifetime Example: An app created for a marketing campaign Apps that do parallel processing Example: A financial modeling app Example: An app doing CGI rendering Apps that must fail fast or scale fast Example: Start-ups (including internal start-ups)

17 Applying Azure (3) Some characteristics of Azure-appropriate applications
Apps that don’t fit well in a firm’s data center Example: A firm with no data center Example: A joint venture Example: A business unit that wishes to avoid its IT department Apps that can benefit from cloud storage Example: An application that archives data Example: Data that must be shared across multiple apps in diverse locations

18 Building on Azure A non-Azure app using Windows Azure storage
Blobs SQL Azure On-Premises or Hosted Application

19 Building on Azure A massively scalable web app exposed on the public Internet
Tables Web Role Instance Users

20 Building on Azure A massively scalable web app with background processing
Tables Queues Blobs Web Role Instance Worker Role Instance Users

21 Building on Azure A web app with relational storage
SQL Azure Web Role Instance Users

22 Building on Azure A web app using cloud and on-premises data
SQL Azure Web Role Instance Service Bus On-premises Database Users

23 Building on Azure A parallel processing application
Queues Blobs Worker Role Instance Web Role Instance User

24 The Windows Azure Platform and Its Competitors

25 Hosting vs. the Windows Azure Platform A comparison
Advantages of dedicated hosting Allows full control Resource costs might be lower Advantages of Windows Azure No lead time and no commitment Admin costs might be lower Can grow and shrink resources more quickly Provides services designed for high reliability, e.g., the Fabric, built-in data replication Provides services designed for high scale, e.g., Windows Azure Storage tables

26 Amazon Web Services (AWS)
AWS Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) provides virtual machines running Linux or Windows EC2 VM Amazon Web Services Linux or Windows VM Windows Server Windows Azure Platform Relational Database Service SQL Azure Database Your Application Your Application Your DBMS Windows Azure Storage AWS Storage Windows Azure Fabric

27 Windows Azure Platform
Google AppEngine AppEngine runs Python and Java applications Google AppEngine Python/Java Runtime Windows Azure Fabric Windows Azure Platform Windows Azure Storage SQL Azure Database Windows Server Worker Role Web Role App Datastore, Task Lists Task

28 and Windows Azure’s focuses on data-driven enterprise applications Runtime Enterprise Application Windows Azure Fabric Windows Azure Platform Windows Azure Storage SQL Azure Database Windows Server Worker Role Web Role Database

29 Conclusions The Windows Azure platform is a good choice for a variety of applications Knowing when to use it requires: Understanding what the platform provides Grasping the benefits it provides Matching those to the problem you’re solving

30 For Further Reading Introducing the Windows Azure Platform: An Early Look at Windows Azure, SQL Azure, and .NET Services Introducing Windows Azure

31 Related Content Breakout Sessions
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32 About the Speaker David Chappell is Principal of Chappell & Associates ( in San Francisco, California. Through his speaking, writing, and consulting, he helps people around the world understand, use, and make better decisions about new technology. David has been the keynote speaker for many events and conferences on five continents, and his seminars have been attended by tens of thousands of IT decision makers, architects, and developers in forty countries. His books have been published in a dozen languages and used regularly in courses at MIT, ETH Zurich, and other universities. In his consulting practice, he has helped clients such as Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Microsoft, Stanford University, and Target Corporation adopt new technologies, market new products, train their sales staffs, and create business plans. Earlier in his career, David wrote networking software, chaired a U.S. national standards working group, and played keyboards with the Peabody-award-winning Children’s Radio Theater. He holds a B.S. in Economics and an M.S. in Computer Science, both from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

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34 Required Slide © 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

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