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Introduction to Info Systems & Technology

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1 Introduction to Info Systems & Technology 731110
Dr. Samir Tartir 2016/2017 First Semester

2 Class Section: 3 Lecture Times: Rooms: Slides are on eCourse:
STT 11:10-12:00 Rooms: 401 Slides are on eCourse:

3 Lecturer Instructor: Dr. Samir Tartir Office: IT 303
Office Hours: STT 11-12, MW: 11-12 Website Facebook:

4 Lecturer Background BSc & MSc from the University of Jordan in 1998 & 2002 PhD: From the University of Georgia in 2009. Database Programmer: : CCS: Jordan : Al-Awa’el: Jordan : Integrant: Jordan & USA : Dar Al-Handasa: Jordan : SIMTIX: Jordan : Padgett: USA Database Technologies: Oracle, SQL Server, MS Access, Sybase, MySQL, SQLite

5 Textbook Title: “Using Information Technology”. 10th Edition, 2013
Authors: Brian K. Williams & Stacey C. Sawyer Publisher: McGraw- Hill/Irwin

6 Course Description This course provides an introduction to info systems and info technology development concepts and application software. Identifies the basic types of business info systems, the major steps of the system development process Explains how info is used by organizations and how IT improves quality, timeliness and competitive advantage.

7 Course Contents The Information Age. HW & SW. DB and Warehouses.
Networks. e-Commerce. MIS and Decision support systems. System Development.


9 Grading First exam: 20% Second exam: 20% Projects & HW & Quizzes: 20%
Final exam: 40%

10 Late and Cheating Policies
All assignments are due by 11:59 PM 10% penalty for each late day Zero points if late by more than 5 days Proper documentation needed for health- related excuses Cheating cases handed over to academic honesty department Minimum penalty: Failing the class

11 Use of Electronic Devices
Laptops Only for note taking or training on class material, can be asked to turn in notes. Phones/Tablets etc Must always be silent or turned off while in class First time a warning, second you’ll be asked to leave class. Only in emergencies Others Should be turned off

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