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Redesigning an Introductory Chemistry Course: The Buffet Model

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Presentation on theme: "Redesigning an Introductory Chemistry Course: The Buffet Model"— Presentation transcript:

1 Redesigning an Introductory Chemistry Course: The Buffet Model
John R. Crooks Associate Provost of the University Partnership Michael D. Substelny Instructor, Distance Learning Lorain County Community College

2 Chemistry 161 – Course Description
General, Organic, and Biochemistry course Allied Health and Nursing students 4 credit hours, 3 hour lecture and 3 hour laboratory

3 National Center for Academic Transformation Redesign Models
Supplemental Replacement Emporium Online Buffet

4 Challenges Students lead demanding lives and find it difficult to squeeze classes and labs into their busy work and child-rearing lives. Lab has required toxic and hazardous materials, requiring expensive safety equipment.

5 Labs required utilizing ammonium thiocyanate solution. Yuk!!!

6 Expensive purification systems

7 Students Science Labs create anxiety for students
Students often do not see relevance to course material – including lab experiences The course material has been difficult for many students obscure lab instructions were often mystifying.

8 Lab Anxiety

9 Software and Technology Utilized
Adopted Vernier Software and Technology probes and some labs (with many modifications of the lab exercises).


11 Pre-Simulation Chromatography Lab for CHMY 161
Toxic substances and fumes Obscure results Cook Book Not much motivation to do this

12 Try measuring from the center of these spots!!!

13 Post Simulation Chromatography Lab for CHMY 161
Toxic substances and fumes unnecessary Interpretable results Engaging Scenario based Simulation enhanced Inquiry based

14 The bogus check culprit in cuffs

15 Old Nucleonics Lab Radioactive material
Mystifying chemistry and radiochemistry Cookbook


17 Mars Rover Radioactivity Lab
Interactive Engaging No exposure to radioactive material Scenario based Inquiry based The best reason for doing labs at home




21 Phases of Redesigning Chemistry 161
Phase 1 – Development of technology based labs and the elimination of the use of toxic chemicals. All labs are available in ANGEL – no requirement to purchase lab manual. Phase 2 – The implementation of the Buffet model. All students (not just those in online or blended sections) have access to lecture material developed in ANGEL. Phase 3 – All instructors use CHMY 161 Repository

22 CHMY 161 Student Success Rate

23 CHMY 161 Student Withdrawal Rate

24 Improved Retention Term A/B/C D/F/W % Success Fall 2007 174 55 76%
193 63 75% Fall 2005 173 62 74% Fall 2004 168 61 73% Fall 2003 142 69% Fall 2002 93 60% Fall 2001 58 49%

25 Cost Reduction Techniques
Increased Class Size Campus Based Sections – no direct size increase, yet can take students into classroom for specific topics Internet Sections – initial increase in limit from 20 to 25; all students accessing information developed for online students Use of Technology All lab exercises loaded on ANGEL Lab kits allow students to complete group work on and/or off campus

26 Implementation Benefits
Increase understanding and utilization of technology – all faculty and students are aware of and can utilize ANGEL Reduction in costs to students – Labs are available through ANGEL Increase in consistency of material covered Common exam questions are used to evaluate understanding of key concepts

27 Sustainability Departmental/Divisional Benefits Student Benefits
Creates opportunities for Classroom space Full-time Faculty are utilized as Subject Matter Experts Student Benefits Increased comfort with accessing online material Ability to float between sections and utilize material in ANGEL regardless of what section they registered Administrative Enhance Quality of Learning, Student Engagement, and Retention Employ components of Distance Learning Reduce Overall Costs

28 Results of Phase I Exposure to toxic and hazardous chemicals was eliminated Cost of purchasing expensive chemicals has been minimized Disposal of toxic materials was eliminated Replacement and repair of expensive instrumentation has been minimized

29 Results of Phase I (cont.)
On-campus lab capacity was increased by 50%, allowing expansion of other chemistry class lab sections to absorb large influx of students, including early college, w/o building new facilities Student motivation was increased by several inquiry, scenario-based, simulation/game enhanced labs

30 Results from All 3 Phases
Student success rate increased Families were involved in science at home! Simulation/game collaborative teams and contacts were established CGSD program was started Horizons College Consortium WIKI text project should save students money

31 Acknowledgements Students: Danger Sign Chris Champion Colton Rooney
Global Warming Natalie Tegtman Jared Hass Chromatography Andrea Rinker Cynthia Graf Patty Carter Mars Rover Laura Swartz (and daughter) Fran Peters (and daughter)

32 Acknowledgements Technical artists, programmers and project director:
Doug Reichard Lou Diggi Mike Irby III Robby Robinson Dr. Terry Green LCCC OBOR

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