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HRE1O CPT Expectations.

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Presentation on theme: "HRE1O CPT Expectations."— Presentation transcript:

1 HRE1O CPT Expectations

2 How am I being Evaluated for the CPT?
The CPT is worth 15 % of your mark. You will be evaluated on knowledge/understanding, thinking/inquiry, communication, and application. The achievement categories are weighted the same. Each achievement category is worth 25 %.

3 What is the Format for the CPT?
You will complete the CPT over the course of 3 days. June 1st, 3rd, and 6th. The CPT is made up of 3 parts. You will focus on one part of the CPT each day.

4 What if I miss the CPT? A student who misses the CPT for no good reason for forfeit whatever portion of the CPT that was not completed. If you know that you will be away during the CPT for valid reasons, please speak to your teacher and an alternate time will be arranged for you to complete the CPT.

5 Can I Use my Notes? Yes, you can and should use your notes.
Explain your answers or arguments by making connections to the course material and what you learned.

6 Part 1 of the CPT Read over the Scripture passages presented in Option One and Option Two. Choose one of the passages to focus on and then answer the questions that correspond to the passage that you selected. You do not need to answer the questions for both options.

7 Part 2 of the CPT Briefly read the short story and the biography that are provided. Respond to the questions that correspond to either the story or the biography. You do not need to respond to the questions for both the story and the biography.

8 Part 3 of the CPT Read over the Scripture passages presented in Option One and Option Two. Choose one of the passages to focus on and then answer the questions that correspond to the passage that you selected. You do not need to answer the questions for both options.

9 Concepts to Review Religious and moral truths
Jesus’ approach to socializing Characteristics of a Christ-like love Types of love Sin and forgiveness Forms of violence Self-esteem Emotions

10 Concepts to Review Discipleship Preferential Option for the Poor
Ten Commandments Beatitudes Sacrament of the Eucharist

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