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Cary Caruthers and Shellene Suemori

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1 Cary Caruthers and Shellene Suemori
Team Pioneer Gravity and the Human Cardiovascular System and the Effectiveness of Countermeasures Cary Caruthers and Shellene Suemori

2 Overview Objective: Create increased blood-flow to lower extremities by applying negative pressure Expectation: To observe changes in volume as varied pressure differentials are created Hypothesis: Fluid volume will increase in areas that experience a decrease in pressure Why this experiment? NASA has dedicated a great deal to health-related research as humans spend increasing lengths of time in space. Research into orthostatic intolerance and other cardio-related issues is a top priority at the Human Adaptation and Countermeasures division of JSC.

3 What is Orthostatic Intolerance?
Michael Delp, Texas A&M University conducting research on rat arteries Reduced gravity conditions cause a shift in the blood of astronauts; the fluid shift to the trunk and head regions causes decreased blood flow to the legs and lessens the volume of blood maintained in the body overall Microgravity conditions cause atrophy of the veins of the legs, making them less effective in constricting and moving blood back to the brain Astronauts can lose consciousness upon re-entry as the blood rushes into the legs and the body cannot redirect blood flow to the brain Elderly and less active individuals can suffer from this health issue under normal gravitational conditions

4 Design


6 Payload Diagram User interface allows for variable pressure control
Arduino can store data on a micro SD card, and/or print to the laptop computer

7 Components/testing Aluminum 6061 was chosen for the outer housing for structural stability Polycarbonate (1/4 in) will contain the simulated cardiovascular system Tygon brand ultra-soft tubing will be used for flexibility and varied IDs. Shore durometer rating of 40

8 Components/testing continued
12 V air pump with variable speed capabilities ambient to psig range Flojet Liquid pump Quad II set to approx 5L/min max flow rate of 12.5L/min Blood simulant will be composed of xanthan gum, sodium chloride, and glycerol. Viscosity is approx. 3.5mPa.sec. Solid state pressure transducer 0-5 VDC output 0-15 psia range

9 In flight data collection
All data will be recorded to a micro SD card First four parabolas will have no pressure differential Next four parabolas will have a pressure differential generated by ¼ of full power of the air pump All proceeding four parabolas will get an increase of ¼ of full power of the air pump until: The target volume is obtained The flight is over Errors are encountered

10 Educational Outreach Vanguard Classical School
K-8 Inclusive Charter School with a very diverse population Located in Aurora, CO Promotes interest in STEM fields in younger children Introduces research and teamwork to classrooms Conceptualizing an experiment Assigning tasks Researching construction materials Knowing the environmental constraints Writing a proposal Preparing a poster for presentation Meeting deadlines Celebrating success as a team

11 Conclusion Orthostatic intolerance is an ongoing issue faced by astronauts as they spend longer periods of time in space There are health problems that are related to decreased blood flow and atrophy of the veins that will benefit from research in this area The ability to produce something that would counteract these effects on the cardiovascular system would be an asset to NASA and the medical community Student research is a cost effective way to examine varied solutions to a problem Flight data will be collected in June 2011, results will follow

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