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Dr. John S. Hammond Physical Electronics Chanhassen, MN, USA

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1 Applications of TOF-SIMS and XPS to Aeronautics and other Thin-film Related Industries
Dr. John S. Hammond Physical Electronics Chanhassen, MN, USA February 10, 2016 XPS is the most widely applied surface analysis technique because: XPS can measure information from the outermost 1 to 5 nm of a sample (surface sensitivity) XPS provides accurate quantification using photoelectron peak areas with a relative error of ~ 10% XPS can detect all elements with an atomic number above 2 (He) with a sensitivity of ~ 0.1 atomic percent ( ~ 0.01 atomic percent for transition elements) XPS can provide chemical state bonding information between adjacent atoms XPS can be applied to inorganic and organic materials XPS today can analyze conductors and non-conductors with no special tuning of the instrument

2 Applications of TOF-SIMS and XPS to Aeronautics and other Thin-film Related Industries
Many industries are moving from products that are manufactured by forming and machining to product that are complex composites and thin-film structures. Products such as architectural glass, composite aircraft components, enhanced energy saving bearings, and multi-layer polymer films represent new technologies that go beyond the thin film technologies; originally a domain of the semiconductor and magnetic disc industries. Characterization needed for problems such as corrosion and tribological wear tracks, sputter ion depth profiling to analyzer multi-layer structures, and 3D characterization to look at buried micro-dimensional structures. XPS is the most widely applied surface analysis technique because: XPS can measure information from the outermost 1 to 5 nm of a sample (surface sensitivity) XPS provides accurate quantification using photoelectron peak areas with a relative error of ~ 10% XPS can detect all elements with an atomic number above 2 (He) with a sensitivity of ~ 0.1 atomic percent ( ~ 0.01 atomic percent for transition elements) XPS can provide chemical state bonding information between adjacent atoms XPS can be applied to inorganic and organic materials XPS today can analyze conductors and non-conductors with no special tuning of the instrument

3 Agenda Principles of XPS and TOF-SIMS
Thin film characterization of glass coatings Characterization of tribology wear track Characterization of multi-layer polymer films Characterization of glass corrosion 3D tomography of interfacial layers XPS is the most widely applied surface analysis technique because: XPS can measure information from the outermost 1 to 5 nm of a sample (surface sensitivity) XPS provides accurate quantification using photoelectron peak areas with a relative error of ~ 10% XPS can detect all elements with an atomic number above 2 (He) with a sensitivity of ~ 0.1 atomic percent ( ~ 0.01 atomic percent for transition elements) XPS can provide chemical state bonding information between adjacent atoms XPS can be applied to inorganic and organic materials XPS today can analyze conductors and non-conductors with no special tuning of the instrument

4 Agenda Principles of XPS and TOF-SIMS
Thin film characterization of glass coatings Characterization of tribology wear track Characterization of multi-layer polymer films Characterization of glass corrosion 3D tomography of interfacial layers XPS is the most widely applied surface analysis technique because: XPS can measure information from the outermost 1 to 5 nm of a sample (surface sensitivity) XPS provides accurate quantification using photoelectron peak areas with a relative error of ~ 10% XPS can detect all elements with an atomic number above 2 (He) with a sensitivity of ~ 0.1 atomic percent ( ~ 0.01 atomic percent for transition elements) XPS can provide chemical state bonding information between adjacent atoms XPS can be applied to inorganic and organic materials XPS today can analyze conductors and non-conductors with no special tuning of the instrument

5 Binding Energy = X-ray Energy - Photoelectron Kinetic Energy
XPS Process Photoelectron Efermi level 3/2 2p 1/2 X-ray (photon) Binding Energy 2s This slide shows the quantum excitation of a 1s electron. Any electron with a binding energy less than the energy of the X-ray can be excited. The electron binding energy is then calculated by subtracting the measured photoelectron kinetic energy from the energy of the exciting X-ray. 1s Binding Energy = X-ray Energy - Photoelectron Kinetic Energy

6 XPS Characteristics Surface sensitive Accurate quantification
Detection of all elements above He Provides chemical state information Can be applied to inorganic and organic materials Can be applied to conductors and non-conductors XPS is the most widely applied surface analysis technique because: XPS can measure information from the outermost 1 to 5 nm of a sample (surface sensitivity) XPS provides accurate quantification using photoelectron peak areas with a relative error of ~ 10% XPS can detect all elements with an atomic number above 2 (He) with a sensitivity of ~ 0.1 atomic percent ( ~ 0.01 atomic percent for transition elements) XPS can provide chemical state bonding information between adjacent atoms XPS can be applied to inorganic and organic materials XPS today can analyze conductors and non-conductors with no special tuning of the instrument

7 Typical XPS Spectra Poly(ethylene terephthalate)
Atom % C O PET -O1s C 1s O O -C1s O C C O CH2 CH2 % of C 1s CH C-O O=C-O 17.1 c/s c/s O=C-O C-O CH -O KLL The spectrum on the left is a typical elemental survey spectrum from the common polymer poly(ethylene terephthalate), or PET. This survey spectrum is obtained by using a single x-ray photon energy (in this case Al X-rays with an energy of eV) and using an electrostatic analyzer to measure the intensity of emitted photoelectrons as a function of their kinetic energy. By subtracting the measured kinetic energies from the photon energy, the data is then displayed as intensity is counts per second versus Binding Energy. Each element has unique binding energy peak positions and probabilities of emitting photoelectrons for each peak position. Today, the computer controlling the XPS instrument will automatically identify the elements and be able to provide quantification of the measured peak areas using libraries of information stored in the computer software. The spectrum on the right is the high energy resolution spectrum of the Carbon 1s photoelectron transition. The molecular diagram shown in the upper part of the spectrum on the right indicates there are three types of carbon chemical bonds: C-H, C-O, and O-C=O. The C 1s peak positions change slightly with the different chemical bonds. This is call the XPS Chemical Shift and libraries of these chemical shifts are now found in the software controlling the XPS instruments. -O2s 1000 800 600 400 200 300 295 290 285 280 Binding Energy (eV) Binding Energy (eV) XPS survey spectra provide quantitative elemental information High resolution XPS spectra provide quantitative chemical state information

8 Surface Sensitivity: XPS vs. SEM-EDX
XPS Analysis Depth nm Sample Surface <1 µm EDX Analysis Depth 1,000-3,000 nm (1-3 µm) Cross-sectional view of an aluminum bond pad

9 LaB6 Scanning Electron Source
PHI Scanning XPS Microprobe Instrument Geometry and Operating Principals PHI Scanning X-ray Source A focused electron beam from the LaB6 electron creates a point source of x-rays on the Al anode. The ellipsoidal shaped quartz crystal monochromator refocuses the x-ray beam onto the sample. Scanning the electron beam causes the x-ray beam to scan. Electrons X-rays Ellipsoidal Monochromator Photoelectrons SCA LaB6 Scanning Electron Source 128 Channel Data Scanning Input Lens Al Anode 5-Axis Stage The PHI spectrometer provides high sensitivity and enables accurate quantification for a broad range of materials.

10 LaB6 Scanning Electron Source
PHI Scanning XPS Microprobe X-ray Beam Induced Secondary Electron Imaging Optical Image Electrons X-rays Ellipsoidal Monochromator Photoelectrons Imaged Area SCA LaB6 Scanning Electron Source 128 Channel Data 50 µm SXI using a 10 μm scanning X-ray Beam Scanning Input Lens Al Anode 5-Axis Stage The electronically scanned x-ray beam enables the fast collection of x-ray beam induced secondary electron images (FOV up to 1400 μm) that can be used for sample navigation and analysis area definition. These secondary electron images provide a unique tool to detect contaminants and thin patterned chemical features that are often not visible with optical microscopes. No other vendors’ XPS instruments have this capability.

11 PHI Scanning XPS Microprobe Multi-Point Spectroscopy
Optical Image 50 µm Electrons X-rays Ellipsoidal Monochromator Photoelectrons + 2 SCA LaB6 Scanning Electron Source + 1 128 Channel Data -Cu LMM -Cu2p3 -Cu2p1 -Si 2s -Si 2p -C KLL -C1s -Cu3s -Cu3p -Cu2s -O2s -O1s -O KLL Scanning Input Lens Al Anode 5-Axis Stage Complete spectra or sputter depth profiles can be obtained from single or multiple features in a SE image or XPS map with user defined x-ray beam sizes from 10 µm to 300 µm. 50 µm 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Binding Energy (eV)

12 Improved Depth Resolution Using Low Energy Ions and Zalar Rotation
Nickel (30.3 nm) Chromium (31.7 nm) Chromium Oxide (31.6 nm) Nickel (29.9 nm) Chromium (30.1 nm) Silicon (substrate) Depth Resolution Test Sample

13 Conventional Sputter Depth Profile 4keV Ions & No Zalar Rotation
100 80 Ni 2p Cr 2p Ni 2p Cr 2p Si 2p 60 Atomic Concentration (%) 40 O 1s 20 Sputter Depth (nm) 185 Depth 123.5nm Interface width (80/20%) = 11.7nm

14 Zalar Depth Profile with 4keV Ions
Sputter Depth (nm) Atomic Concentration (%) 185 20 40 60 80 100 Si 2p O 1s Cr 2p Ni 2p Depth 123.5nm Interface width (80/20%) = 5.2nm

15 Zalar Depth Profile with 500eV Ions
Zalar (azimuthal) rotation and low voltage Ar+ improves metal and metal oxide thin film depth profiling 185 20 40 60 80 100 Sputter Depth (nm) Atomic Concentration (%) Si 2p O 1s Cr 2p Ni 2p Depth 123.5nm Interface width (80/20%) = 3.8nm

16 High Performance Sputter Depth Profiling Compucentric Zalar rotation improves depth resolution
Rastered Ion Beam Compucentric Zalar Rotation Axis of Rotation at the Analysis Area Sample Zalar rotation The sample is rotated during sputtering to eliminate sample roughening that may occur when sputtering at a fixed angle Compucentric Zalar rotation The instrument software defines the current analysis location as the center of rotation The X and Y axis stage motors are moved during rotation to provide compucentric rotation ZalarTM rotation takes its name from Anton Zalar who first used sample rotation for AES sputter depth profiles. Compucentric Zalar rotation refers to the use of a motorized sample stage, under software control, that can rotate about a specific point that may not be at the exact center of rotation of the sample stage.

17 High Performance Sputter Depth Profiling Argon Sputter Depth Profile of TiC/C PVD Multilayer Structure on Si 0.200 µm 0.500 µm SEM images of multilayer system cross-section 1000 2000 3000 Sputter Depth (nm) 20 40 60 80 100 Atomic Concentration (%) C 1s Ti 2p Si 2p O 1s Atomic Concentration Display ~50 nm ~200 nm 2 keV Argon+ Ion Beam with Zalar Rotation™ was used to enhance and maintain interface definition The depth profile shows the 21 pairs of TiC and C layers to be present and a thin Ti layer at the bottom of the coating Sample is courtesy of: Dr. Frank Burmeister and Dr. Martin Dienwiebel IWM Fraunhofer

18 Time-of-Flight SIMS: Basic Principles

19 Features of TOF-SIMS Molecular Identification Imaging Trace Analysis
Mass Spectrometric Technique High Mass Range High Mass Resolution Imaging 120 nm Spatial Resolution Trace Analysis Detection Limits ~109 at/cm2 Surface Sensitivity Uppermost 20 Å

20 TOF-SIMS Imaging Primary Ion Beam Total Ion Image Total Area Spectrum
m/z 256 256 Sample One 15 minute imaging data file acquires a spectrum at every pixel of the image. The computer can reconstruct a total ion image or total area spectrum from this file.

21 TOF-SIMS Imaging Primary Ion Beam Chemical Map 1 Region 1 Spectrum
Total Ion Image Total Area Spectrum m/z Chemical Map 2 Region 2 Spectrum m/z 256 256 m/z Sample Spectra from selected areas of the total ion image or images from selected peaks of the total area spectrum can also be obtained for complete analysis after data acquisition.

22 Positive TOF-SIMS Spectrum of PET
2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 m/z C O H 2 104 148 149 193 Fragments allow the molecular structure of the polymer to be defined.

23 Positive TOF-SIMS Spectrum of PET
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 250 300 350 450 500 550 m/z + H C O M 2 237 341 (2M+H)+ 385 (3M+H)+ 577 The repeating peak patterns confirm the polymerization structure.

24 Raw Data Stream Depth Profiling
1 2 3 4 5 10 30Si- Sample: 120 nm MoSi2/Si Objective: To measure determine the impurities at the interface. Approach: Interleaved Depth Profile 1 keV Cs+/15 keV Ga+ Raw-data-stream acquisition Extract spectrum at interface Counts MoSi- 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Depth (nm)

25 Raw Data Stream Depth Profiling
20 40 60 80 100 120 O 30Si 28Si, 29Si and 28Si2 Blanked 60 nm 118 nm SiN Si2 Si3 MoSi C SiC SiO2 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Depth (nm) 1 2 3 4 5 10 Counts 30Si- MoSi-

26 Raw Data Stream Depth Profiling
1 2 3 4 5 10 30Si Reconstructed Depth Profile showing some of the interface impurities Interleaved depth profiling ensures that the interface will not be missed TOF-SIMS is the ultimate detection tool for unknown buried elements O Counts C SiO2 F MoSi 50 100 150 200 250 300 Nanometers

27 Imaging Surface Analysis Techniques
XPS TOF-SIMS Probe Beam Photons Ions Analysis Beam Electrons Ions Spatial Resolution 10 µm 0.08 µm Sampling Depth(Å) Detection Limits 0.01atom % 1ppm Information Content Elemental Elemental Chemical Chemical Molecular Organic Depth Profiling Yes Yes Quantification Excellent Std. needed

28 Agenda Principles of XPS and TOF-SIMS
Thin film characterization of glass coatings Characterization of tribology wear track Characterization of multi-layer polymer films Characterization of glass corrosion 3D tomography of interfacial layers XPS is the most widely applied surface analysis technique because: XPS can measure information from the outermost 1 to 5 nm of a sample (surface sensitivity) XPS provides accurate quantification using photoelectron peak areas with a relative error of ~ 10% XPS can detect all elements with an atomic number above 2 (He) with a sensitivity of ~ 0.1 atomic percent ( ~ 0.01 atomic percent for transition elements) XPS can provide chemical state bonding information between adjacent atoms XPS can be applied to inorganic and organic materials XPS today can analyze conductors and non-conductors with no special tuning of the instrument

29 Architectural Glass Coating
~100nm thick coating Analyzed in ‘high power mode’ Zalar rotation depth profile Large thick (5mm) insulator No mask Sputter crater No conductive masks were used Sample platen 75 X 75mm

30 Architectural Glass Coating
Quantitative elemental and chemical glass depth profiling 50 100 150 200 250 10 20 30 40 60 70 80 Sputter Depth (nm) Atomic Concentration (%) O 1s Ti 2p N 1s C 1s Nb 3d Si 2p Al 2p

31 Architectural Glass Coating
Si chemical state depth profiling show interfacial reaction to form SiN 95 100 105 110 115 250 Binding Energy (eV) Si2p Sputter Depth (nm) Silicate Substrate Al doped SiO2 Silicon nitride Effective charge compensation throughout the profile

32 Agenda Principles of XPS and TOF-SIMS
Thin film characterization of glass coatings Characterization of tribology wear track Characterization of multi-layer polymer films Characterization of glass corrosion 3D tomography of interfacial layers XPS is the most widely applied surface analysis technique because: XPS can measure information from the outermost 1 to 5 nm of a sample (surface sensitivity) XPS provides accurate quantification using photoelectron peak areas with a relative error of ~ 10% XPS can detect all elements with an atomic number above 2 (He) with a sensitivity of ~ 0.1 atomic percent ( ~ 0.01 atomic percent for transition elements) XPS can provide chemical state bonding information between adjacent atoms XPS can be applied to inorganic and organic materials XPS today can analyze conductors and non-conductors with no special tuning of the instrument

33 Micro-Area Scanning XPS for Surface Tribology
Following data acquired from MoS2 tribology study on steel surface produced by tribometer Micro-area XPS analysis uses similar analytical protocol as corrosion studies

34 MoS2 Tribology Wear Tracks on Steel
+ 1 2 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 500 1500 2000 2500 Binding Energy (eV) c/s -O KLL -O1s -Na KLL -Mo3p3 -Mo3p1 -Fe2s -Na1s -Fe2p3 -N1s -C1s -Fe3p -S2p -Mo3d X-ray Induced Secondary Electron Image Multi-Point Spectroscopy using 10 µm diameter x-ray beam Sample is courtesy of Dr. Thierry Lemogne Laboratoire de Tribologie et Dynamique des Systèmes Lyon, France Mo and S in wear track Sample Description Two Samples are supplied which contain MoS2 tribology wear tracks. Track 1, 3, and 5 were selected for analysis Measurements As received small area on/off 2 point survey spectra were collected from the three selected tracks which were identified in the in the SXI image using a 10 µm diameter x-ray beam XPS maps for the main elements were collected from track 3 using a 10 µm diameter x-ray beam High resolution 16 point line scan was collected across track 3 A 2 point sputter depth profile was collected from track 5 using a 20 µm diameter x-ray beam for analysis and a 1 kV argon beam for sputter etching that was rastered over a 2 x 2 mm which calibrated to and SiO2 rate of ~ 2 nm/min. 10 micron XPS data shows Mn and S in wear track

35 MoS2 Tribology wear tracks on steel
Elemental Mapping using a scanned 10 µm diameter x-ray beam SXI Image using 10 micron scanning x-ray beam Overlay of Fe and Mo elemental maps 50 µm Mapped Area 50 µm 10 micron XPS imaging shows Mn in wear track

36 MoS2 Tribology wear tracks on steel 16-point scanned XPS Line using a 10µm scanned x-ray beam
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 16 points are defined on the image and analysis is acquired using a 10µm deflected x-ray beam 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Spectrum Number Atomic Concentration (%) O1s (529.8 eV) oxide O 1s (531.2 eV) OH Fe 2p3 S 2p (161.8 eV) sulfide S 2p (168.2 eV) sulfate C 1s Mo 3d Chemical state XPS linescan data Mo sulfide and oxide in wear track FeOOH and higher C observed outside wear track 36

37 Sulfide inside wear track and sulfate outside wear track
MoS2 Tribology wear tracks on steel 16-point scanned XPS Line using a 10µm scanned x-ray beam 160 165 170 175 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 Binding Energy (eV) c/s S 2p 225 230 235 240 100 200 300 400 500 600 Mo 3d5 Mo 3d3 229.3 Sulfate 168.2 eV Sulfide 161.8 eV 232.0 eV Points of Line scan Oxide Sulfide inside wear track and sulfate outside wear track 37

38 MoS2 Tribology wear tracks on steel
+ 1 2 2 points are defined on the SXI image and analysis is acquired using a 20 µm deflected x-ray beam 20 µm 38

39 MoS2 Tribology wear tracks on steel 2-point Compositional depth profile using a 20 µm deflected x-ray beam (SiO2 Rate ~ 2 nm/min) 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Sputter Time (min) Atomic Concentration (%) C 1s carbide organic Fe 2p3 metal oxide O 1s hydroxide Mo 3d5 S 2p Point – 1 (On Track) Fe oxide Point – 2 (Off Track) beam (SiO2 Rate ~ 2 nm/min) Depth profiling shows thin Mo Sulfide inside wear track Localized XPS spectroscopy and depth profiling required 39

40 Agenda Principles of XPS and TOF-SIMS
Thin film characterization of glass coatings Characterization of tribology wear track Characterization of multi-layer polymer films Characterization of glass corrosion 3D tomography of interfacial layers XPS is the most widely applied surface analysis technique because: XPS can measure information from the outermost 1 to 5 nm of a sample (surface sensitivity) XPS provides accurate quantification using photoelectron peak areas with a relative error of ~ 10% XPS can detect all elements with an atomic number above 2 (He) with a sensitivity of ~ 0.1 atomic percent ( ~ 0.01 atomic percent for transition elements) XPS can provide chemical state bonding information between adjacent atoms XPS can be applied to inorganic and organic materials XPS today can analyze conductors and non-conductors with no special tuning of the instrument

41 Hydrocarbon Adhesive Tape
TOF-SIMS identifies complex polymer materials CH Polypropylene C2H 13 25 Sample Commercial Adhesion Tape on PET Thickness 46 μm 1) Polypropylene (PP) 2) Acrylic Adhesive C4H 49 CH Acrylic Adhesive 41 13 C2HO C2H 16 71 C3H3O2 25 C7H11O2 127 O PET 16 Polypropylene C7H5O2 46 μm C2H CH C4H C6H4 Acrylic Adhesive 25 121 13 49 76 PET 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Mass (u)

42 TOF-SIMS Depth Profile
GCIB can profile multi-layer polymer samples PP Acrylic PET LMIG Ar-GCIB C2H C3H3O2 C7H4O2 Intensity Polypropylene 46 μm Acrylic Adhesive PET Sputter Time (sec)

43 GCIB Cross-Section Imaging
Ar-GCIB LMIG Metal Mask (50 μm) Metal Mask (50 μm) Simple and quick fabrication of the cross-section. Extremely low sputter rate for metal using 20kV Ar2500+ relative to organic materials.

44 GCIB Cross-Section Imaging
40 Ar-GCIB PP 46 μm Acrylic Adhesive PET

45 GCIB Cross-Section Imaging
Ar-GCIB Primary Ion 40 Total Ion Image 10 μm PP Acrylic Adhesive PET PP 46 μm Acrylic Adhesive PET 10 (Stage tilt)

46 GCIB Cross-Section Imaging
Total ion image C2H 24.0 25.0 26.0 1000 2000 3000 Acrylic Adhesive (18 μm) PET Polypropylene (28 μm) Top Surface 46 μm C3H3O2 70.0 71.0 200 400 600 800 1000 72.0 C7H4O2 119.0 120.0 200 400 600 800 1000 121.0 Achieve 5,000 m/Dm on the GCIB cross-section

47 Evaluation of Depth Scale
GCIB cross-section Total ion image Cross-section O- image from sputter depth profile PP PP Acrylic Adhesive PET

48 Use of Cross-Section Image to Correct Depth Scale
Depth profile After Correction C2H C2H C3H3O2 C3H3O2 C7H4O2 C7H4O2 Intensity Sputter Time (sec) Depth (m) Imaging of cross section can standardize different sputter rates in different polymers

49 Test for High Mass Detection and Smearing from GCIB Cross-Section
Secondary Ion 666 (arb. units) Cross-section image Ink Marking 18 μm Acrylic Adhesive 10 20 m PET Green: C3H3O2 (Acrylic Adhesive) Blue: m/z 666 (Pigment) Red: C7H4O2 (PET) Maintains molecular information without smearing

50 Sample Description: Plastic Food Wrap Film
Commercial Wrap Film Thickness 10 μm 1) Polyethylene (PE) 2) PE+Nylon 6-6 3) PE 4) Nylon 6-6 5) PE 6) PE+Nylon 6-6 7) PE Poylethylene Nylon 6-6

51 TOF-SIMS Depth Profile of Plastic Food Wrap
2 4 6 8 10 Depth (mm) 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000 Counts CNO- C2H- 1) PE 2) PE + Nylon 6) PE + Nylon 4) Nylon 3) PE 5) PE 7) PE

52 3D TOF-SIMS Analysis of Plastic Food Wrap
2D Nylon Images 3D PE & Nylon Images X-Y 2 mm X-Y 6 mm 10 mm 50 mm Z Y Y-Z Image X-Z Image Polyethylene Nylon

53 GCIB Cross-Section Image Overlay
Top surface 1) PE 2) PE / Nylon 3) PE 4) Nylon 10 m 5) PE 6) PE / Nylon 7) PE Purple: Polyethylene (C2H-) Green: Nylon 6-6 (CNO-) Sub-micron features of nylon observed in the 2nd and 6th layers.

54 Quantitative XPS Depth Profile
GCIB sputter depth profiling using XPS 100 1) PE 2) PE + Nylon 4) Nylon 6) PE + Nylon 7) PE 5) PE 3) PE 80 C 1s 60 Atomic Concentration (%) 40 20 N 1s O 1s 2 4 6 8 10 Sputter Depth (m)

55 Quantification of Nylon Content in Layer 2 & 6
% PE XPS 12% 88% TOF-SIMS 18% 82% XPS provides better quantitative elemental and chemical information but misses micro-features in TOF-SIMS 3D analysis

56 Summary TOF-SIMS depth profiling with GCIB sputtering provides valuable 2D and 3D characterization of multi-layer organic films. GCIB cross-sectioning followed by TOF-SIMS imaging can be used to correct differential sputter rates and visualize accurate sample topography. XPS depth profiling with GCIB sputtering should be used for more accurate quantification of multi-phase layers.

57 Agenda Principles of XPS and TOF-SIMS
Thin film characterization of glass coatings Characterization of tribology wear track Characterization of multi-layer polymer films Characterization of glass corrosion 3D tomography of interfacial layers XPS is the most widely applied surface analysis technique because: XPS can measure information from the outermost 1 to 5 nm of a sample (surface sensitivity) XPS provides accurate quantification using photoelectron peak areas with a relative error of ~ 10% XPS can detect all elements with an atomic number above 2 (He) with a sensitivity of ~ 0.1 atomic percent ( ~ 0.01 atomic percent for transition elements) XPS can provide chemical state bonding information between adjacent atoms XPS can be applied to inorganic and organic materials XPS today can analyze conductors and non-conductors with no special tuning of the instrument

58 TOF-SIMS 3-D Analysis of Corrosion on Multi-layer Coated Glass
Sample H SiO2 light blue ZnO red Al Yellow Al Side View 250 nm 300 µm x 300 µm All species measured at each pixel Multiple 2-D images interlaced with sputter removed layers Relative ion intensities selected by operator for models “Iso-surface” Models constructed for viewing Overlaying models allows viewing 3-D structures Selectable opacity allows internal structure viewing

59 3-D Analysis of Corrosion on Multi-layer Coated Glass
Side View 250 nm Corrosion Feature 300 µm x 300 µm Analysis surface 250 nm Layer alignment Sample H Ag red Al yellow

60 3-D Analysis of Corrosion on Multi-layer Coated Glass
Side View 300 µm x 300 µm 250 nm Sample H Ag red ZnO Blue

61 3-D Analysis of Corrosion on Multi-layer Coated Glass
Sample H TiO blue ZnO red Ti Yellow Side View 300 µm x 300 µm 250 nm Ti spike in center of corrosion feature

62 3-D Analysis of Corrosion on Multi-layer Coated Glass
Side View Sample H Ag red Ti yellow TiO blue 300 µm x 300 µm 250 nm Ti spike in center of corrosion feature

63 3-D Analysis of Corrosion on Multi-layer Coated Glass
Top View 300 µm x 300 µm Sample H Ag red Ti yellow TiO blue Ti spike in center of corrosion feature

64 3-D Analysis of Corrosion on Multi-layer Coated Glass
Side View Sample H SiN magenta Ti red TiO blue 300 µm x 300 µm 250 nm Ti spike in center of corrosion feature

65 3-D Analysis of Corrosion on Multi-layer Coated Glass
Top View Sample H SiN magenta Ti red TiO blue 300 µm x 300 µm Ti spike in center of corrosion feature

66 Agenda Principles of XPS and TOF-SIMS
Thin film characterization of glass coatings Characterization of tribology wear track Characterization of multi-layer polymer films Characterization of glass corrosion 3D tomography of interfacial layers XPS is the most widely applied surface analysis technique because: XPS can measure information from the outermost 1 to 5 nm of a sample (surface sensitivity) XPS provides accurate quantification using photoelectron peak areas with a relative error of ~ 10% XPS can detect all elements with an atomic number above 2 (He) with a sensitivity of ~ 0.1 atomic percent ( ~ 0.01 atomic percent for transition elements) XPS can provide chemical state bonding information between adjacent atoms XPS can be applied to inorganic and organic materials XPS today can analyze conductors and non-conductors with no special tuning of the instrument

67 Sample stage is not moved between sectioning and ion/electron imaging.
3D FIB-TOF Tomography sample preparation FIB sectioning TOF-SIMS ion & electron imaging tomography image processing Sample stage is not moved between sectioning and ion/electron imaging. x y z FIB LMIG Imaging Plane

68 Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC)
LMIG-induced secondary electron (SE) images. SE Image (after milling). (A) SE Image (after polish). (B) cathode electrolyte anode SE Image (after polish). (C) PrSrCoOx Gd-doped CeOx Sc-stabilized ZrOx The FIB cut detects high porosity in the cathode layer. Traditional depth profiling cannot observe or correct for the structure of the voids. 3D FIB TOF tomography can observe and analyze void structures.

69 Imaged volume is 50 µm x 50 µm x 10 µm.
3D Imaging of a SOFC Imaged volume is 50 µm x 50 µm x 10 µm. direction of FIB sectioning sample surface sample surface Cathode Electrolyte I Electrolyte II Sr+, Ce+, Zr+ (and K+) iso-surface overlay. Note Sr at interface of Electrolyte I / II and K at surfaces of voids

70 Imaging Surface Analysis Techniques
XPS TOF-SIMS Probe Beam Photons Ions Analysis Beam Electrons Ions Spatial Resolution 10 µm 0.08 µm Sampling Depth(Å) Detection Limits 0.01atom % 1ppm Information Content Elemental Elemental Chemical Chemical Molecular Organic Depth Profiling Yes Yes Quantification Excellent Std. needed

71 Thin Film Characterization
XPS has excellent elemental and chemical quantification TOF-SIMS has superior spatial resolution and detection limits Zalar rotation and low voltage Ar+ is excellent for metals and metal oxides GCIB cluster source provides polymer depth profiling TOF-SIMS and FIB-TOF can visualize complex 3D structures XPS and TOF-SIMS are excellent characterization tools for thin film product characterization XPS is the most widely applied surface analysis technique because: XPS can measure information from the outermost 1 to 5 nm of a sample (surface sensitivity) XPS provides accurate quantification using photoelectron peak areas with a relative error of ~ 10% XPS can detect all elements with an atomic number above 2 (He) with a sensitivity of ~ 0.1 atomic percent ( ~ 0.01 atomic percent for transition elements) XPS can provide chemical state bonding information between adjacent atoms XPS can be applied to inorganic and organic materials XPS today can analyze conductors and non-conductors with no special tuning of the instrument

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