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What are the key elements and techniques?

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Presentation on theme: "What are the key elements and techniques?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What are the key elements and techniques?
Print Advertisements What are the key elements and techniques?

2 Headline The title or ‘tag’ line of the ad
The phrase that catches our eye

3 Copy The smaller details written on the ad
Features Where to get the product Disclaimers The information you might read if you are actually interested in the product

4 Logo A common picture or text associated with the product or company
For instant recognition

5 Target Audience Age Gender “Class” Interest group

6 Propaganda Techniques
Appeal to Pity Donate to this cause Company will give portion of proceeds to charity

7 Propaganda Techniques
Bandwagon Everyone else has it

8 Propaganda Techniques
Testimonial Some one who had this product really liked it, so you will too This doctor / dentist recommends this product

9 Propaganda Techniques
Celebrity Spokesperson Having this product will make you more like the celebrity / athlete

10 Propaganda Techniques
Individuality Be the first to have this You’ll stand out among your friends

11 Propaganda Techniques
Plain Folks These ordinary people can do it / have it, and so can you

12 Propaganda Techniques
Product Comparison This product is better than our competitor’s

13 Propaganda Techniques
Weasel Words This product may work for you Up to 50% off Positive / negative words that make you feel a certain way toward a product

14 Propaganda Techniques
Reward Buy this product and get something in return













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