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Dr. Richard Baker Mr. Jeffrey Hauser January 31, 2013

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1 Dr. Richard Baker Mr. Jeffrey Hauser January 31, 2013

2 Purpose of the Project An unmanned systems center to support human capital development for the 21st century in the areas of homeland security, civil authorities, and commercial enterprises.

3 Objectives Establish partnerships with government, military, and commercial organizations as a critical first step. Create and establish an effective education and training program to include internships, certificate programs, contract agreements with military, government, and private organizations and a four year BS degree program for pilot and non-pilot tracks. Establish ISU Aviation Technology as the Safety of Flight Assessment Manager for the State of Indiana’s restricted airspace at Camp Atterbury and Jefferson Proving Grounds. Establish research that makes a difference, including pursuing grants for homeland security and for agriculture.

4 Benchmarks 2012 Goal 2012 Actual 2013 Goal Student Impact
Enrollment in new certificate/degree programs or professional development courses 10 40 16 Yearly student participation in experiential learning/community engagement activities 5 25 Institutional Distinctiveness Impact External Grants and Contracts Received 1 External Grant and Contract Awards ($'s) $ 150,000 Papers/Creative Works Presented 2 Invited Presentations/Performances 12 Publications/Creative Works 8 6 External Impact (in support of Goal 3 plus others) Number of external organizations involved >20 Number of external organizations served 4 >12 Number of external persons served unknown Number of news stories Sustainability (UP Funding/Total Support) x 100 4% 2% 16% 11/23/2018

5 and exercises; research
Initial Partnerships First Responders and exercises; research FAA Test site Team for Indiana & Ohio Access to airspace and exercise areas STEM and resources Agriculture research

6 Current Partnerships

7 Sensor and Platform Resources
4 robots Subject matter experts Full access to institute resources Collaboration on grant Mobile Manipulator Containment System



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