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Design Thinking for Requirement Management

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1 Design Thinking for Requirement Management
Roquaiah Khanam – Quality Analyst lead Technovert Solutions

2 Abstract Traditional approach of requirement management comprises of mundane activities from requirements gathering to analysis and transforming them into system specs where the team lingers in the technical blockers or bottlenecks, losing out the focus from original requirements. Hence the application that takes birth is system driven rather than users driven; causing a trade-off. It is much lost in the technical constraints, meeting the deadline and scope considerations, causing damage to the user behavioral activity. Instead what one needs to realize as the requirement management expert is to manage the user’s business need by empathizing with the user- understanding, observing and seeing their point of view; thus, ideating and prototyping and at frequent intervals check back with the user on the current advancements and repeat the above cycle. All these entities- Empathy, user behavioral driven, ideation, prototyping and testing, fusions to form the DESIGN THINKING school of thought. All I’m trying to show case is “APPLYING DESIGN THINKING FOR REQUIREMENT MANAGEMENT”. What does it lead to? Making things happen, user success & happiness and enriched product delivery and thus an organic growth between the parties.

3 Death & Incarnation of the requirement

4 Thought about Design thinking as a solution to fix such problems?

5 Empathy: Find the needs and insights of the user

6 Ideate: brain storm on the user/ business problems

7 Prototype: Fix everything in prototypes before you code
Prototype helps in designing solutions in a different way, a visual able product than just documented ideas

8 Test: It is vital to ask the right questions and interact appropriately with users

9 Design Thinking is Human centred!

10 References & Appendix

11 Author Biography Roquaiah has been working as Quality Analyst for over five years, believes in the concept of Context driven testing. She was qualified as an electronics and communications engineering in the year 2012 and opted to flourish as a Software QA, having known very little about the profession. She is a QA trainer at her office and manages the whole Quality assurance process independently and she just enjoys teaching.

12 Thank You!!!

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