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Provincial Plantwatch Coordinator

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1 Provincial Plantwatch Coordinator
Madonna Bishop Research Liaison MUN Botanical Garden Provincial Plantwatch Coordinator

2 What is PlantWatch? PlantWatch is a part of NatureWatch series.
It is a volunteer monitoring program.

3 What is PlantWatch? PlantWatch is a joint initiative between Nature Canada and the University of Ottawa. PlantWatch has coordinators in each province and territory.

4 What is PlantWatch? Phenology – the study of the seasonal timing of life cycle events. The goal of PlantWatch is to encourage Canadians of all ages to collect data which will help scientists identify how our natural environment is changing as a result of climate change. You can become involved in this project by recording flowering times for selected plant species and reporting your data.

5 What is PlantWatch? Newfoundland and Labrador volunteers have participated in PlantWatch since 1998 Presently there are 30 dedicated observers in our province from St. John’s to Goose Bay

6 Why watch plants? By watching plants you can learn about Canada’s botanical diversity and help scientists track changes in the climate and environment. The timing of blooming in early spring flowering plants can help predict the best times for practices such as planting, irrigating, fertilizing crops; the timing of insect emergence and subsequent control; and pollen warnings.

7 Why watch plants? The plants chosen for PlantWatch bloom in the spring as they accumulate heat (when the temperature rises). A large data set is needed to observe trends and long term data is needed to make comparisons within NL and between NL and other areas.

8 How to get involved Anyone can become a PlantWatch participant!
It’s an excellent activity for individuals, families, school classes and outdoor groups.

9 How to PlantWatch Choose your plants
Use the PlantWatch website ( or the PlantWatch guide to find out what plants are being watched in your area. Be sure to select plants that you can observe everyday or every other day.

10 How to PlantWatch 2. Select your site
Choose plants growing in an easy to access, flat area. Avoid sites with unusual temperature or light conditions.

11 How to PlantWatch 3. Mark your territory
Mark the plant (or patch of plants) with a tag.

12 How to PlantWatch 4. Watch your plants
Read the species’ descriptions on the PlantWatch website or in the guide to help you recognize “first bloom”, “mid bloom” and “leaf out” (where appropriate). Record the dates for each.

13 How to PlantWatch 5. Submit your observations
Submit observations directly on the website ( or Mail the data sheet to the PlantWatch Coordinator for Newfoundland and Labrador

14 Newfoundland and Labrador
Species selected for Newfoundland and Labrador

15 Trembling aspen Bluebead lily Crackerberry Labrador tea Dandelion Coltsfoot

16 Larch Lilac Red Maple Starflower Rhodora Strawberry

17 White Birch Sweetgale Bakeapple Partridgeberry Twinflower Forsythia

18 Crackerberry

19 Crackerberry General: It is a low, erect woodland plant
(10 cm tall), that grows in colonies. Leaves and twigs: Smooth edged, oval leaves with parallel veins. Four to six leaves form a ring around the stem. Flowers and fruit: Each plant has a single cluster with four showy bracts that look like petals. In the center are tiny flowers that are green or purple or cream in color. The fruit are red berries.

20 Crackerberry Habitat:
A forest plant, crackerberry tolerates a variety of soil conditions. When the flowers are open, black central dots are visible (stigmas). First Bloom: when the first flowers are open. Mid bloom: when 50% of flowers are open in observed plants.

21 Dandelion

22 Dandelion Coltsfoot General:
Common plant, 5-40 cm tall. Introduced from Europe. Leaves and twigs: Deeply toothed leaves grow from the base of the plant. Leaves appear before flowers. (Coltsfoot the flowers appear before leaves) Coltsfoot R. Hopkins

23 Dandelion Flowers and fruit:
Flower heads are yellow and the flower stem is hollow and leafless. After full bloom, white, fluffy, round balls of seeds appear. The parachuted seeds are blown away by the wind. Main flowering is in spring, but scattered blooms continue all summer. Note: flowers close at night and on cloudy days. R. Hopkins

24 Dandelion Habitat: Dandelions grow almost anywhere, but are common in wastelands and cultivated areas. Sampling: Make sure your patch is not mowed until your bloom observations are made. Choose plants at least 10 m away from buildings. First Bloom: when first flowers are open. Mid bloom: When the first seed-head opens, forming a white, fluffy ball of seeds. R. Hopkins

25 Larch R. Hopkins

26 Larch General: Medium-sized coniferous tree; grows up to 20 m tall, with scaly bark. In the fall, the needles turn yellow and drop. Leaves and twigs: The long, slender branches have small woody stumps that produce the needle bundles. Needles, cm long, emerge as soft green tufts during spring growth. Each tuft can have needles. R. Hopkins

27 Larch Flowers and fruit:
Male and female cones can appear on the same branch. Male cones: small mounds of yellow-brown pollen sacs that fall after shedding pollen Female cones: pinkish-purple mini-cones about 1 cm long. Note: Observe male cones only for PlantWatch.

28 Larch Habitat: Grows in moist to wet areas.
First Bloom: when first pollen is being shed by the male cones (3 places). Mid bloom: When 50% of the male cones are shedding pollen. Leaf out: When the tufts of the needles are lengthening and starting to spread open at the tip ( 3 places).


30 NL PlantWatch Observation Form
Kimberley Parsons 2005 33 Lakeside Drive, Deer Lake NL. A0K 2E0 (709)

31 NL PlantWatch Observation Form
Route 430 N NW of Deer Lake 49o 10’; 57o26’ NW of Route 430/TCH

32 NL PlantWatch Observation Form
May 6 May 12 1, 5W, 7, 12, 19 June 4 June 12 1, 5NW, 7, 11, 17 May 26 June 3 2, 5SW, 7, 11, 16 1, 5NW, 7, 10, 16 May 20 May 26 June 6 2, 6NW ,7, 11, 16 June 10 June 24 1, 4,8N, 12, 19 June 18 June 19 May 20

33 Thank you PlantWatchers!
Don’t forget to visit the websites Any Questions?

34 PlantWatch Newfoundland and Labrador

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