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Project Title Date Location of Kaizen Author.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Title Date Location of Kaizen Author."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Title Date Location of Kaizen Author

2 Project Overview Define Objective: Benefits: Project Team:
Reduce/optimize/increase ___________________________ from ____________________________________________ to _______________________________________________ for______________________________________________ while reducing/increasing/holding constant _________________________________________________ (project y) (current level) (good level) (specific area) ( constraining Y’s) Benefits: Project Team: Belt: Sponsor: MBB: Controller: Champion: Team Members: 1) The Objective statement should be the same as that on the charter. The Y, baseline and target should be stated. 2) Benefits should mention a $ figure and where the $ came from 3) Project Team should mention names and titles of core team

3 Define Define Summary If necessary, summarize the findings of your project through the define phase.

4 High-Level Process Map
Measure High-Level Process Map Paste and bitmap image of your SIPOC or VSM, only include summary text

5 Detailed Process Map Measure
The process map can be the input/output map, the detailed process map, or both put on separate slides.

6 Baseline Metrics Measure
1) Clearly state the X’s which you will be carrying forward and the Y’s against which the X’s were evaluated

7 Measure Summary Measure
If necessary, summarize the findings of your project through the measure phase.

8 Value Analysis Analyze
1) Clearly state the X’s which you will be carrying forward and the main failure modes of these X’s 2) State any quick hit improvements if applicable

9 Fishbone Diagram Analyze
This is the Lean analysis slide. Tools that may have been used, and would require their own slides, are: •Spaghetti Diagrams •VA/NVA Analysis •Takt Time •5S

10 Improvements Identified
Analyze Improvements Identified This is where identified improvement opportunities would be listed.

11 Analyze Summary Analyze
If necessary, summarize the findings of your project through the analyze phase.

12 Future State Process Improve
This slide should show what the new process is designed to look like. Within this notes section should be a list of techniques used to design the improvements, for example: •Kanban / Pull •Mistake Proofing •Quick Changeover •Workplace Organization •Process Mapping •Process Documentation

13 Improve Pilot Results The results of the pilot should be shown here, in the format of an SPC chart.

14 Improve Summary Improve
If necessary, summarize the findings of your project through the improve phase.

15 Control Control Plan A copy of the control plan should be place here.

16 Final Data Study Control 1) Same as for initial capability/baseline
2) The before and after improvement numbers should match those stated in the objective

17 Financial Summary Control
Summarize the financial benefits (hard and soft savings) here.

18 Control Summary Control
If necessary, summarize the findings of your project through the control phase.

19 Project Summary

20 Other Projects Identified

21 Lessons Learned

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