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UNITED STATES ARMY FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SCHOOL U.S. ARMY SOLDIER SUPPORT INSTITUTE Practical Exercise #3 - SOLUTIONS Disbursement Transactions FOR Perform Cashier Functions in DDS AAB6B102 Jan 2012

2 STUDENT INSTRUCTIONS OBJECTIVE: This practical exercise measures your ability to input Disbursement Transactions correctly into DDS. MATERIALS NEEDED: Computer loaded with DDS Software. Practical Exercise Booklet. DDS Cashier Input Guide. Pen/Pencil. Calculator. 6. Classroom notes. INSTRUCTIONS: a. This exercise booklet contains 10 military payments and 8 disbursement transactions for you to input. Check your booklet now and if you are missing any portion or if it is illegible, obtain a new booklet from your instructor. b. You have 3 class periods to complete this exercise. You may take a break at any time, however, do not take exercise materials out of the classroom. c You will continue to use your BEGINNING BALANCE DDS load from the Instruction portion of the lesson to input the Exchange Transactions. All exercise requirements have only one correct entry. Make sure your answer is correct before saving. If you make a mistake or wish to change your answer after saving, “BACKOUT” the transaction and enter your new response. When backing out a transaction follow the steps in the input guide. Your instructor/proctor will have the administrative password needed to complete the process. All certifications will be done “EXTERNALLY” for classroom purposes. d. ALL WORK ON THIS EXERCISE MUST BE ON YOUR OWN. You may NOT communicate with other students, have or receive assistance, or make a record of your answers anywhere but on your answer sheet. Failure to follow these instructions will result in the appropriate disciplinary action being taken. e. Your instructor will advise you what to do when you complete of this practice exercise. i

You are a cashier at the 23rd Finance BN Forward, Main Site. You have received an advance of funds and confirmed it. You are now ready to begin inputting transactions. Input all transactions correctly. Today's Business date is : 30 October 2009 (A). Use 28 October 2009 for all checks. The accounting classifications for disbursements and collections are: Military Payments Use the pre-filled accounting classifications in DDS. ODC = P NAVY FY APC EOR US EQ DOC REF IBOP ODC MTL QTY DISC VARIES BLANK P BLANK N Manual Disbursements B1 VARIES BLANK M BLANK N SF1034 Disbursements B2 VARIES BLANK C BLANK N SF1049 Disbursements B3 VARIES BLANK K BLANK N SF44 Disbursements B4 VARIES BLANK F BLANK N Manual Collections 7 0Z VARIES BLANK US BLANK N DD1131 Collections 7 0Z VARIES BLANK US BLANK N ii

4 INSTRUCTOR NOTE: To go back and review the inputs with the students have them execute a QUERY. To go PROCESSING, QUERY, DISBURSEMENTS; For the personal disbursements have them input the Last Name and then click on the Execute Query Button. For Institution disbursements have them input the business name and then click on execute query. To input a new query click on cancel query and input the next Payee. Review the disbursement data, ACCT Class, and Total US Equivalent with the students. iii

5 Military Payments Student Note: Address: 23rd INF DIV APO, AE 09808
Advance: Repay=1 Month/Collection Start Code=1 ED= Emergency Evacuation of Dependents OHA = Overseas Housing Allowance PCS = Permanent Change of Station BAS = Basic Allowance for Subsistence 1

6 MP#1 E2 MP#2 E2 2

7 MP#3 MP#4 3

8 MP#5 MP#6 4

9 MP#7 MP#8 5

10 MP#9 MP#10 6

11 Other Disbursements Student Notes: 2 Receiving Officer:
Gary C. Ashton, Title: Paying agent Ordering Officer: Jack Roush, LTC Title: Battalion Commander 2

12 Manual #1 Manual #2 8

13 SF1034 #1 9

14 SF1034 #2 10

15 SF1049 #1 11

16 SF1049 #2 12

17 SF44 #1 13

18 SF44 #2 14



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