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A dialogue between social and technical research on desalination

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1 A dialogue between social and technical research on desalination
IHE Delft 4th Wicked Debate 26th July 2018 Tapping the oceans A dialogue between social and technical research on desalination Joe Williams | Department of Geography | Durham University |

2 “If we could ever competitively, at a cheap rate, get freshwater from saltwater…it would be in the long range interests of humanity, which would really dwarf any other scientific accomplishment” President J.F. Kennedy (1961)

3 Water panacea? Desalination by numbers:
19,000 plants producing 90 million cubic meters per day Supplying 300 million people in countries

4 Turnkey solution or hydro-fix?
Desalination “offers a seemingly unlimited, steady supply of high-quality water, without impairing natural freshwater ecosystems” (Elimelech and Phillip, 2011) “Desalination appears as a sort of ‘cornucopia’ able in principle to solve future water needs of urban expansion” (March et al., 2014) “Implementing desalination as a technological fix on top of a water management system that is plagued with more systemic and structural problems does little to improve water security in a broader sense.” (McEvoy, 2014)

5 The contradictions of desalination
Governance Price Energy intensity Marine ecology

6 The governance contradiction
Turning local waters into global finance (Swyngedouw, 2013) Privatisation and commercialisation of water services Commodification of water Top companies: Veolia Environment, Doosan, General Electric, Fisia Italimpianti, Degremont, IDE Technologies, Acciona

7 The price contradiction
Desalination is the costliest source of water for coastal communities Issue of social justice Issue of demand risk Example: Australia’s Millennium Drought Large plants built for Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide – four our of six have been idle since 2011

8 The energy contradiction
Highly energy-intense process – around 4kWh per cubic metre Energy is largest cost component –vulnerable to energy price/availability fluctuations Climate change maladaptation? 1.4 – 1.8 kgs CO2 emissions per cubic metre From Stillwell and Webber (2016)

9 The marine ecology contradiction
“If we sit back and we don’t use…desal…it’s going to mean big dams that destroy our rivers and fisheries” Barbara Boxer, U.S. Senator BUT, growing concern about local impacts on marine ecology Brine discharge Seawater intake

10 Thank you! Joe Williams | Department of Geography | Durham University

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