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Skeletal System.

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Presentation on theme: "Skeletal System."— Presentation transcript:

1 Skeletal System

2 What are four things the skeletal system does for you besides help you move?

3 Describe the difference between an osteoclast, osteoblast, and osteocyte.

4 What are two differences between compact and spongy bone?

5 Long bones structure: What are these and where on the bone
Long bones structure: What are these and where on the bone? Periosteum Diaphysis Epiphysis red marrow yellow marrow articular cartilage?

6 Where are trochanters located? What is a foramen? A sinus?

7 What is the major difference between the axial and appendicular skeleton?

8 How many vertebrae are in the cervical region
How many vertebrae are in the cervical region? How many are in the thoracic region? How many are in the lumbar region?

9 What is attached to the thoracic vertebrae? How many pair of false ones? True? Floating? Total pairs?

10 How many fused bones are in the sacrum? How many in the coccyx?

11 What are the three regions of the axial skeleton?

12 What are the three regions of the appendicular skeleton?

13 Match the following with the axial or appendicular skeleton
Humerus Sphenoid Ethmoid Temporal Clavicle

14 How are the sphenoid and ethmoid bone different from all of the other cranial bones?

15 Label the skeleton Label the skeleton 3, 4 5, 6 21 20 1 2 7 8, 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17, 18 19

16 Label bones and sutures
2 Label bones and sutures 1 3 7 6 5 4

17 1 Label bones 2 4 3

18 What are synovial joints? Give three examples

19 What are cartilagnous joints? Give two examples.

20 What are fibrous joints? Give two examples.

21 What do ligaments bind?

22 What is the difference between a sprain and a strain?

23 What do aging and exercise have to do with bone homeostasis?

24 Which of these means sway back?
Lordosis Kyphosis Scoliosis?

25 Which of these means hump back?
Lordosis Kyphosis Scoliosis?

26 Which of these means a lateral curve in the vertebrae?
Lordosis Kyphosis Scoliosis?

27 What is this disorder of the vertebrae?


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