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Welcome! Sign-in at the kidney table.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Sign-in at the kidney table."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! Sign-in at the kidney table.
2. Take a look around the class and take a seat at your child’s seat. 3. Look over their Reading/Writing journals. .


3 Mrs. Martinez & Mrs. Pulido
Kindergarten School Year Downtown Doral Charter Elementary School “Around the Corner. Ahead of the Curve.”

4 Class Website
On our website you will find: Home Learning Assignments Reminders Class Updates School Website:

5 Student Behavior Chalk It Up Behavior (Colors) Happy Face Chart
Treasure Box NOTE: Please do not allow your child to bring toys to school. They will be confiscated if they interfere with instruction.

6 Home Learning Home learning reinforces what
your child is learning at school. Please help them complete their reading, math, and Portuguese assignments every night. From time to time, they may also have homework in other subjects. Every student should be reading 30 minutes at home. Must be printed from home.


8 Sight Words Math Let’s Play! = counter

9 Reading and Language Arts
McGraw-Hill Reading Wonders

10 Math Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Common Core Program
Three Big Ideas for each grade Numbers & Operations Geometry & Positions Measurement & Data

11 Science We are a STEAM school.
We will be doing quarterly STEAM projects.

12 Grading Scales E 90-100% Outstanding Progress
G % Above Average Progress S % Average Progress M % Lowest Acceptable Progress U 0-59% Failing

13 Interim Reports/Report Cards
Grades can be seen through the Parent Portal ( Interim Reports are sent home in the fifth week of each marking period. Report Cards are sent home at the end of each marking period. Kindergarten students receive reports in envelopes for you to sign and return.

14 Testing FLKRS Florida Kindergarten Readiness Screener, is a statewide kindergarten screening tool used to assess the readiness of each child for kindergarten. I-Ready (administered in Sept/Oct, January/Feb, & April/May) SAT Reading & Math (April 4th- 10th) Stanford Achievement Test Reading- April 4, 2018 Math- April 5, 2018

15 Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
Arrival: Children should wait for their teacher in the cafeteria at their designated table. Pick up is at 8:15 am Dismissal: -After-care & Enrichment students are picked up by their respective representatives. -Parent Pick up is at 3:00 by the south side of the school or parents may park & pick up their child in the classroom. Students who are picked up late will be taken to after-care & charged $15.

16 Absences & Tardies Arrival: Please make sure your children are here on time everyday. The bell rings at 8:30 AM. If they are tardy, they must report to the main office. If they are absent, please send a note within the next three days. Downtown Doral Charter Elementary School is a mandatory uniform school. Please make sure your children wear their uniforms daily.

17 Supply List/Wish List Thank you for your generous donations of materials and housekeeping items, your continued support provides essential resources for your child’s classroom. If you are interested in assisting with any other items please see my wish list below: Laminating sheets. Lysol plug in (Scented Refills). Paper Towel Rolls. Ink for Classroom Printer (LaserJet Pro 400) Also, please ensure that your child brings their own personal supplies every day. (Home learning folder & journal)

18 Volunteering There are many ways to help at school: -In the classroom
-On Field Trips -PTO & PIPA -Kindergarten Promotion Committee Please note, if you are interested in volunteering at the school or at any school functions, please register on-line at .

19 Birthday Parties School Policy does allow birthdays to be celebrated.
You may bring cookies with juice boxes or water bottles. Please notify Ms. Laks’ to know when your child’s birthday can be celebrated. We have 22 students.

20 Field Trips Kindergarten will be participating in field trips this year. When field trip forms are sent home, please ensure they are returned in a timely manner. If you would like to be a chaperon for one of these trips, you must be registered with Miami-Dade County Public schools as a volunteer. You can register on-line at

21 Parent Conference Procedures
My goal is to work with you and your child for their optimal success! By ing or calling to set up an appointment – or by signing up for an appointment.

22 Thank you for coming! Please be mindful of the Go Green Communicator
with important information sent out each week!

23 Portuguese Program Highlights
We are thrilled to inform you that and Elefante Letrado are available to our Portuguese Program Students! We will be using Elefante Letrado in school as well as at home.

24 Portuguese Program Highlights
Incentive Contest Students are encourage to read as many books as they can in the Elefante Letrado Website. Every quarter, the student that has read the most books will receive a reward as part of a learning incentive.

25 Stay Connected The best way to get a hold of us is through e-mail:
1. 2. School Number:(305) * Conferences must be scheduled. Please contact us with conference requests so that we can meet when we are both available.

26 My website

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