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2 MANIPULATE DNA to… Create‘enhanced’ and novel organisms (GMO’s) via DNA recombination Deduce phylogeny of species & variation between genes via genome sequencing Identification of individuals (criminals, dads) & allele variations via DNA fingerprinting

Isolate the gene of interest, then replicate, using polymerase chain reaction - PCR Nucleotides + primers + thermal cycling + a few hours = many, many copies Requires the heat-stable Taq polymerase, originally isolated from the hot springs bacterium Thermus aquaticus (Mullis, 1982) Kary Mullis, 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Creates fragments of different lengths aka ‘RFLP’s’: Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms 1.2 kb 0.2 kb 2 fragments CCTGAGG……….. CCTGAGG…CCTGAGG MstII 1.4 kb 1 fragment CCTGAGG…………CCTGTGG…CCTGAGG

5 Restriction Enzymes • Used by bacteria to cut up foreign DNA
• Each recognizes a specific DNA sequence • Many are pallindromes, read same in both directions makes blunt cuts makes staggered cuts

aka DNA Fingerprinting

7 Measure small amounts of DNA precisely with a MICROPIPETTE
measures microliters (µL) 1000 µL = 1 mL always use with a disposable tip!

8 Blunt cut DNA fragments are loaded into the wells of an
agarose gel

9 Electric current runs through
the gel Negatively charged (PO4-) DNA fragments migrate towards the positive electrode

10 • Fragments are thus sorted by size
• Short RFLPs (DNA fragments) diffuse through the gel more easily and quickly than longer fragments • Fragments are thus sorted by size Longest fragment Shortest fragment

11 different restriction enzymes
Same DNA, different restriction enzymes Fragment size in nt

12 same restriction enzyme
Different DNA, same restriction enzyme standard marker (known reference) ) Who’s a match?

13 APPLICATION: Diagnose genetic disease
cctcagg cctcagg cctcagg cctcagg cctctgg cctcagg no cut site •In sickle cell, the mutant form of the gene loses a recognition site for a restriction enzyme • creates one longer fragment when there should be two.

14 APPLICATION: Identify individuals
• Unlike genes, non-coding (nc) DNA differs greatly from person to person • Use the ncDNA to identify people gene variable ncDNA sequence attagctagcgtagcgggcatatatatggctaaattgcaccc attagctagcgtagcgtccaatatatatatatatatatccgca person 1 same different person 2

15 ncDNA contains STRs • Short, Tandem, Repeat sequences • Numbers of repeats for any one location in the ncDNA is variable in a population gggcatatatatggctaaattgcaccc gtccaatatatatatatatatatccgca 4 ‘at’ repeats: 9 ‘at’ repeats:

16 EXAMPLE • ncDNA (D7S280) of chromosome 7 includes the STR gata
• present in 6-20 repeats in the population 1 aatttttgta ttttttttag agacggggtt tcaccatgtt ggtcaggctg actatggagt 61 tattttaagg ttaatatata taaagggtat gatagaacac ttgtcatagt ttagaacgaa 121 ctaac gatag atagatagat agatagatag atagatagat agatagatag atagatagat 181 agata gtttt tttttatctc actaaatagt ctatagtaaa catttaatta ccaatatttg 241 gtgcaattct gtcaatgagg ataaatgtgg aatcgttata attcttaaga atatatattc 301 cctctgagtt tttgatacct cagattttaa ggcc This STR is found on chromosome 7. The end of the sequence is actually …gata gaca gatt gata not sure whyt hat counts!

17 The FBI uses CODIS • A national DNA index system (1990)
• A database of convicted offender profiles for solving crimes for which there are no suspects. • Process: > Identify by gender, XX vs XY (eliminates half the population) > Use STR’s at 13 loci in the genome to compare DNA samples via gel electrophoresis This STR is found on chromosome 7. The end of the sequence is actually …gata gaca gatt gata not sure whyt hat counts!

18 Possible, but not probable, for two people to have the same # of STR repeats at multiple loci
Probability of a person who is homozygous for the five highlighted ncDNA : 1 in 2.9 billion (D15S1035 frequency2) x (each of the others2)

19 RELATED READING (links on Heredity webpage)
The Innocence Project exonerating wrongfully convicted individuals through DNA testing The False Promise of DNA testing (The Atlantic) sloppy lab work JUSTICE for ALL? 2004 Justice for All act: Grants any federal inmate the right to petition a federal court for DNA testing to support a claim of innocence 3 states, however, do not allow such a petition 2009: Supreme Court decided there's no constitutional right to DNA testing; the states and federal government can decide when testing should be allowed. Nebraska Attorney General Jon Bruning hailed the decision as necessary to protect the states from unwarranted expense

20 WILDLIFE, TOO forest savannah Loxodonta africana
genetic differences indicate common ancestor several mya Same species? Clear cranial, tusk morphology, genetic differences; Yet hybridize successfully HHMI Video: Savannah elephant census HHMI Click and Learn: Ivory poaching

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