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India Review The Gupta Dynasty.

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Presentation on theme: "India Review The Gupta Dynasty."— Presentation transcript:

1 India Review The Gupta Dynasty

2 Religions India is the birthplace of two major religions:
Hinduism and Buddhism

3 Hinduism basic Hindu beliefs reincarnation karma dharma

4 Hinduism reincarnation means that when a person dies, the
body is reborn into another body

5 Hinduism karma refers to a person’s actions The way a person has
behaved in the past and are currently behaving in the present, will affect his/her life in the future.

6 Hinduism dharma refers to a person’s character traits
deals with how a person follows laws, customs, and their duty as a citizen

7 Buddhism Buddhists believed in the: “Four-Noble Truths”
states why people suffer/cause pain to themselves “Eightfold Path” summarizes the steps people should take to end this suffering

8 Caste System Five major castes are: Brahmins (priests)
who are at the top of society Kshatriyas (warriors) Vaishyas (merchants and landowners) Sudras (servants) Untouchables, or Outcastes (street and toilet cleaners) at the bottom of society

9 Caste System Each caste had distinct roles in society.
The caste guided members in issues of: occupation (jobs) foods eaten marriage

10 Gupta Culture Most of the art, literature, and architecture focused on religious themes and expression. There was an importance on building temples and producing art and sculptures representing Hindu beliefs.

11 Gupta Culture Indian literature focused on holy writings or the creation of stories supporting Hindu themes. This period is known for two most famous epics: Mahabharata Ramayana

12 Gupta Mathematics Introduction of: Hindu-Arabic numerals
the concept of zero algebra

13 Gupta Astronomy Astronomers: charted the movements
of planets and stars concluded Earth is round and revolves around the sun

14 Gupta Medicine Medical instruments invented
Surgeries could be performed plastic surgery Shushruta, an ancient Indian doctor, did the first kind of plastic surgery. He could reconstruct a nose!

15 500 healing plants identified Printed medicinal guides
Gupta Achievements 1000 diseases classified Short Response 500 healing plants identified Printed medicinal guides Kalidasa Literature Plastic Surgery Medicine Summarize the major contributions of the Indian civilization, specifically during the Gupta Dynasty that changed Asia politically, socially, and economically. Inoculations Gupta India C-sections performed Solar Calendar Astronomy Mathematics Decimal System The earth is round PI = Concept of Zero

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