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Carolyn Banfield 23rd March 2017

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1 Carolyn Banfield 23rd March 2017
SIAMS Mid Term Review Carolyn Banfield 23rd March 2017

2 • Supportive • Partnership • Discussion • Reflection
Approach • Supportive • Partnership • Discussion • Reflection

3 Purpose of review To support schools within their 3/5 year SIAMS cycle and to re-focus on their SIAMS self evaluation: to identify areas of strength and areas for development, with constructive advice and signposting in order to lead to improvements.

4 Purpose of review To strengthen the partnership between schools and the diocese and to ensure that schools are confident and well-prepared in meeting the needs of all their children within the context of their church school distinctiveness.

5 Purpose of review To provide schools with an external view of the schools’ distinctively Christian character, culture, ethos and practice based on a structured process through discussion and joint evaluation.

6 Purpose of the review Through joint and honest reflection to evaluate the impact and effectiveness of the school as a church school, including how the school has addressed areas for improvement identified at the time of the last inspection.

7 Structure of the review
1. Pre-visit documentation andwebsite analysis carried out by consultant. The school providing the SIAMS self evaluation (Toolkit), brief overview of pupil attainment and progress and any other relevant documentation.

8 Structure of the review
2. Visit 3 or 3.5 hour to include: * Discussion with Headteacher, SLT/RE/CW leader * Discussion with foundation governors and chair * Discussion with clergy * Discussion with children * Learning walk/tour * Initial feedback with suggestions

9 Structure of the review
3. Written Summary 1-2 sides A4 to include findings and recommendations to move the school forward as well as analysis of progress against development points identified at the time of the last inspection.

10 Outcomes of the pilot programme so far….
Clarity of expectations from the onset Thorough pre-visit work ensures that the SIAMS framework can be quickly matched to the schools strengths & areas for development Constructive & professional discussions The expertise of consultants in the SIAMS process Quick turn around of summary allows school to immediately build on the discussions Recommendations/suggestions pertinent and clear Rigorous process but the informality allows for honest discussion

11 Next steps Mid-term reviews available to all schools
Timetabled and an expectation A new and more targeted way of working by the schools advisers A way of the diocese supporting, challenging and monitoring standards in terms of SIAMS

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