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SETT FRAMEWORK Collaborative Decision Making Process

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Presentation on theme: "SETT FRAMEWORK Collaborative Decision Making Process"— Presentation transcript:

1 SETT FRAMEWORK Collaborative Decision Making Process
ED Summer 10 SETT Framework SETT Framework 11/23/2018 Environment SETT FRAMEWORK Collaborative Decision Making Process Tasks Student Hello lets begin by talking about an effective framework that will help with the decision-making process. The process that we will be discussing is called the SETT framework. This framework is a collaborative decision-making process. This method is used for special educators as well as general educators to make the best decision possible to meet student academic and learning needs. As we move through this presentation please keep in mind that the SETT framework doesn’t rely on the sage on the stage. In reality, it empowers school-based staff to be decision makers. The method empowers the staff working with the student to have input into what will and will not work in their classrooms. Marsye Kaplan, MS, CCC-SLP, ATP Assistive Technology Specialist Tools Marsye Kaplan

2 ED-892-560-61 Summer 10 SETT Framework
11/23/2018 SETT Framework Closing the Gap, 1994 Decision making process Team collaboration Gather & organize Thoughts Observations Experiences Let’s take a brief look at the history of the SETT framework. In 1994, I attended the Closing the Gap Conference for the first time. I met Joy Zabala! Joy and her SETT framework changed the way we looked at assistive technology, at the decision-making process and ultimately, what will and will not work for students. Joy provided a framework that assisted in organizing and polishing that decision making process so that we are now working as a team, collaborating, pulling ideas together, learning from each other professionally and in the end making the best decision possible for our students. Prior to adopting this process, assessment and evaluation consisted of going in to see the student, pulling them out for the evaluation, having a brief conference with the teacher and then generating a report with recommendations. Using the SETT framework has given the teacher the power to actually be part of the decision making process. Enabling them to say what might and might not work in their classrooms. With the multiple perspectives and increased communication, we now have a method that is open and collaborative. Teachers and support staff can decide together and plan together, providing a much more stable trial period for the student. 11/23/2018 Marsye Kaplan

3 The Goal of SETT Framework
ED Summer 10 SETT Framework 11/23/2018 The Goal of SETT Framework To help collaborative teams create Student centered, Environmentally-useful, and Task focused Tool systems That foster the educational success of ALL students You can already that the SETT framework at its core is designed to create collaborative teams. To that end as we look at the acronym, the S refers to student reminding us that the process is Student-centered. E stands for the environment in which the student is receiving their education. This process is most definitely environmentally useful. We will focus on our first T through looking at the tasks that the student is asked to perform. The last T in process refers to the tools that we use and tools that we will recommend. As we consider the SETT framework student, environment, tasks, and tools , we see that we are fostering and facilitating educational success for all of our students not jut students with identified special needs. 11/23/2018 Zabala,J.S. and Stahl, S. (October, 2006) Closing the Gap Marsye Kaplan

4 ED-892-560-61 Summer 10 SETT Framework
11/23/2018 SETT- Focus Support Student Participation Achievement Guide Teams Selection Acquisition Use Integration Guide Teams: As we consider the focal point of the SETT framework, one component that we want to focus on is how the framework guides teams. We can envision that the framework in its decision making and collaborative process, will help the team select the most appropriate resources for a student, design a plan for acquiring the identified tool or resource, develop a plan for how to use the tool, and more importantly how to integrate that tool into the educational setting. Support Student: A second equally important element to the SETT framework is how to support the students’ academic success. There are two components to consider. One component is the student’s level of participation. Participation is viewed as the level to which the student is integrated and involved in the educational setting. We see students who perhaps are not cognitively at the same level as their peers. The students may be sitting in the room with an instructional an assistant to support them perhaps. The student may not be engaged in the same academic activities as their peers.. They may be participating and involved in the same content area but not the same level of difficulty. The goal is certainly to move a student from merely sitting in a classroom with same age peers to being competitively engaged in the academic and social environment social as much as possible given their cognitive and social-emotional level. The bottom line is we want our students be as participatory as possible. This of course will lead to academic achievement that is appropriate for each student. 11/23/2018 Marsye Kaplan

5 ED-892-560-61 Summer 10 SETT Framework
11/23/2018 SETT Framework Student: Environment: Task: Tools1 Tools2 Now that you have a very basic understanding of the SETT framework we will begin taking a look at each component. The form that you are viewing is one that we will be using as part of the course requirements. This form will help you organize the information for the target student that you have chosen for your project. As you can se the form is divided into the components of the SETT framework. You will be describing your student’s strengths and challenges. The second element is the environment. As you think about the environment in which the student will receive their academic instruction, you will describe the setting clearly and succinctly. The first vertical column represents that tasks. As you consider the lesson that you have chosen you will break down the required tasks into smaller components. Next to each task next you will indicate that tool that you are currently using to support the student. You may notice that there are two tools indicated. Tool one represents those tools that you are currently using. Tools two, represents those tools that we will be learning about in the class and that you will consider utilizing to further support the student’s needs. Marsye Kaplan

6 Student ETT with regard to main concern…
ED Summer 10 SETT Framework SETT Framework 11/23/2018 Student ETT with regard to main concern… Now let’s take a closer look at each of the elements of the SETT framework. The first is the student the S as you think about your target student and began your description. You will want to include the information brief information regarding the students age, grade, goals for that individual student. You’ll also want to provide information regarding the students challenges as well as abilities. 11/23/2018 Marsye Kaplan

7 ED-892-560-61 Summer 10 SETT Framework
11/23/2018 S Environment TT The second element is the environment. When describe the environment please include information regarding the setting in which the student is receiving instruction. Detail the information enough so that the reader can actually envision the environment. 11/23/2018 Marsye Kaplan

8 ED-892-560-61 Summer 10 SETT Framework
11/23/2018 SE Tasks T The third element represents the tasks. As you consider the lesson that the student will be engaged in, you will want to task analyze the lesson. This will allow each individual task to be viewed in a manner that will allow you to link unique tools to the identified task. 11/23/2018 Marsye Kaplan

9 ED-892-560-61 Summer 10 SETT Framework
11/23/2018 SET T1ools As noted before when we looked at the form, we will divide the tools into T1 and T2. On this slide we first consider T1. As you think about the task you will note the tools that you are currently using to support your student. 11/23/2018 Marsye Kaplan

10 ED-892-560-61 Summer 10 SETT Framework
11/23/2018 SET T2ools It should be evident that we are now at the end of the form as we consider T2. As we move through this course you will be exploring a wide variety of low to high tech tools, strategies, and resources. These new ideas will be used to complete the T2 column. 11/23/2018 Marsye Kaplan

11 ED-892-560-61 Summer 10 SETT Framework
11/23/2018 SETT Framework Student: Environment: Task: Tools1 Tools2 Here we are back at the SETT framework format that you will be using throughout this course. As you look at the Student and Environment, Tasks, Tool 1, and Tools 2, you should have a much clearer idea of how to complete this form. Marsye Kaplan

12 ED-892-560-61 Summer 10 SETT Framework
11/23/2018 This slide provides us an example of information that might be shared regarding a student. This example focuses on a student who is working towards using an alternative augmentative communication device. This may be very different from your target student, however it will give you an idea of the detail. Marsye Kaplan

13 ED-892-560-61 Summer 10 SETT Framework
11/23/2018 Again, this example will provide you with an idea of the detail appropriate for describing the environment. Marsye Kaplan

14 ED-892-560-61 Summer 10 SETT Framework
11/23/2018 This slide details the task, tools 1, and tools 2. As you can say for each task the tools are aligned horizontally. This format assists in clearly seeing the connection between tasks and tools. Marsye Kaplan

15 SETT Critical Elements-reflection
SETT Framework ED Summer 10 SETT Framework 11/23/2018 Process Pertinent information Communication Collaboration Multiple perspectives Flexibility and revision As we reflect this slides brings the critical elements of the SETT framework together. We know that the SETT framework is a process. It is not a one time event. As we work with our student and staff we build communication and collaboration. Through communication we began to see and appreciate multiple perspectives. Often, As we work with students we may see that the tools that were recommended may not be the most appropriate or the right fit. With this process we have the flexibility to go back and revisit to re-evaluate, see what else might be available and then make new recommendations. 11/23/2018 Marsye Kaplan

16 ED-892-560-61 Summer 10 SETT Framework
11/23/2018 Successful technology/strategies are those which are being used when we are not there! As we end our discussion on the SETT framework, I think the quotes on the slide is appropriate. Successful tools and strategies are those which are being used when we are not there. The importance is that if you make a recommendation for a tool or strategy and it is not used when you are not there, you will definitely want to Re-SETT!!! 11/23/2018 Marsye Kaplan


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