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Presentation on theme: "Earth , Sun, and MOON BY KAYLA FARABEE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Earth , Sun, and MOON BY KAYLA FARABEE

2 Earth it takes 24 hours to rotate on its axis
It has no craters but it dose have landform such as rock and liquid It takes day to orbit around the sun

3 SUN The weathering on the sun is very hot,it is also made of gas
Intresting facts about the SUN The weathering on the sun is very hot,it is also made of gas Solor flares~ can affect earths weathering strong flashes of x-rays video

4 MOON The moon has so many craters because it has a very thin atmosphere It takes 29.5 day revolve aroud earth video

5 Water on the moon ~ The water on the moon is that it only has water particals in the polar region WATER ON EARTH~ There is only 75% water

6 ATMOSPHERE MOON~ the moon has a very thin atmosphere that is why a lot of objects in the solor system hit the moon EARTH~earth has a very thick atmosphere witch keeps object in out solor system to not hit us SUN~the sun has severl layers for atmosphere

7 Size SIZE EARTH~the size of the earth is 3,956 miles
MOON~the size of the moon is 50 times smaller than earth SUN~the sun is 109 times larger than earth

8 WEATHER EARTH~wind and water carries lots of things away
MOON~the moon can get -280% SUN~it is very hot and the solor flares can afect earths weathering

9 GRAVITY EARTH~the gravity on earth is 83.3 MOON~ 1/6 is the gravity
SUN~the mass of the gravity is 333,000 times more than earth

10 Rotation times EARTH~it takes the earth 1 whole year to orbit around the sun MOON~it takes the mon to rotate around the earth for 29.5 day about a month SUN~it takes about billions and billlions of years to :-]


12 FUN FACTS Solor flares~can affect earths weathering it can go at the speed of light TIDES~cause by the pull of gravity between the earth and moon SUN~the sun is 432,376 miles

13 Thanks for watching

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