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Presentation on theme: "DATA INTERACTION: A PSSA “COOL” Query Tool"— Presentation transcript:


2 Introduction: PSSA data are difficult to use!

3 Overview Emetric’s DATA INTERACTION supports
powerful PSSA data queries without programming. To get started, type either: 11/23/2018

4 Login Page Username: b99998 Password: emetric 11/23/2018

5 Data Privacy Page Click: I Agree 11/23/2018

6 Main Menu: 3 Query Modes The 3 query modes include: Group Summary, Graphical Summary and Individual Performance. The simplest, Group Summary, can be started by clicking Group Summary radio button (top left) and the continue arrow (lower right). 11/23/2018

7 Group Summary: 3 Sections
1 1 2 3 11/23/2018

8 Sections 1 & 2: A Simple Query…

9 …Yields a Simple Group Summary
FAY= AYP Qualified Scores 11/23/2018

10 Quick Overview: Select All…

11 …Complete Group Summary
Click Sections 1 & 2 select content and student attributes 11/23/2018

12 Hot-Link to IEP Student Data
All Students 11/23/2018

13 Group vs. Individual Results
Group (School or District) results include full academic year students, exclude exemptions, home schooled, PASA and LEP Y1 students. Individual students’ results include everybody. Exemption codes are noted except for LEP Y1. Thus Individual N counts typically will be > Group Summary N counts. 11/23/2018

14 Group Summary as an Excel File…
Click Here 11/23/2018

15 …File Download Query Click Here 11/23/2018

16 Group Summary Saved as Excel

17 Section 3: Group Filtering
Theme: Filtering selects student subsets 11/23/2018

18 Filter Query Identifies 1 Student
When filtering, be aware that students may have multiple attributes! 11/23/2018

19 LEP-IEP Filter Query Query: Do the LEP and IEP subgroups overlap?

20 LEP-IEP Mostly Separate

21 Move to Graphical Summary

22 Graphical Summary Overviews
By selecting different combinations of performance levels, queries such as AYP “heads up” or students needing instructional assistance can quickly be surveyed. The example above looks at the PSSA results in an “AYP” like fashion. 11/23/2018

23 Subgroup Overview Click for students 11/23/2018

24 Student Data from Bar Clicking on an IEP Proficient Bar shows only one proficient IEP student. The Graphical Summary indicated 54 IEP students. 54 is the total # of IEP students (Group Summary) regardless of performance level. Thus, clicking on a bar segment FILTERS student data. 11/23/2018

25 Click on Pie Chart Symbol

26 Group Summary in a Pie Chart
Click Here 11/23/2018

27 Stacked Bar Chart Note: Neither the Pie nor Stacked Bar Graphs are hot-linked to individual student data records. 11/23/2018

28 Individual Performance
The Individual Performance page has the most query power. Similar to the Group Summary, IP is organized vertically in 4 sections. Section 1 selects scores. Section 2 sets student characteristics. Sections 3 & 4 comprise 2 filters that can be combined for highly selective queries. 11/23/2018

29 Simple Query (no filtering)
Note: The Student Characteristics have more choices than the Group Summary Page. 11/23/2018

30 Individual Student Data
Rank order data by clicking 11/23/2018

31 Summary Statistics Add summary statistics of the student data

32 Statistics added to Student Data

33 Filtering: 2 Sections 1st Filter same as Group Summary Filter
2nd Filter adds performance selection 11/23/2018

34 2 Filters Create Selective Queries
The Individual Student Filters can be used separately or together. Each Filter can use “and” or “or” logic. The Filters can be combined with “and-and”, “and-or”, “or-and” or “or-or” logic. Consider the following examples. 11/23/2018

35 Example #1: Targeted Tutoring
Query: Find all the Black and White Students who scored under 1000 in math or reading 11/23/2018

36 Query Identified 113 Students

37 Example #2: Multiple Queries
Some questions may require multiple queries. Consider the question whether IEP students show more test variation than LEP students? Pick S.E. (Standard Error) and IEP with LEP. 11/23/2018

38 1st Query Results Save Query 11/23/2018

39 2nd Query Now pick LEP students but not IEP students 11/23/2018

40 2nd Query Results Save Query 11/23/2018

41 Summary Group Summary provides information about FAY student queries, links to related individual student demographics and performance in table form and queries requiring filters. Graphical Summary provides information about FAY student queries, limited links to related individual student demographics and performance in Bar and Pie Charts. Individual Performance provides more complete information about all student demographics and performance queries, and queries requiring multiple filters. 11/23/2018

42 Saving Results Printing the results page or graph.
Save the Group or Individual data to an Excel spreadsheet by clicking the “Save Text” arrow. The file is downloaded to your computer. Type a name in the “Save Query” window. The query is saved on the e-Metric computer and can be recalled. 11/23/2018

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