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Substituent Effects and Nearly Degenerate Transition States:

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1 Substituent Effects and Nearly Degenerate Transition States:
Rational Design of Substrates for the Tandem Wolff-Cope Reaction Julius Su, Richmond Sarpong, Brian Stoltz, William A. Goddard III Materials and Process Simulation Center, California Institute of Technology

2 The Target-Driven Development
of a Facile Tandem Wolff-Cope Rearrangement for the Synthesis of Fused Carbocyclic Skeletons [n-7] bicyclic motif is common to many natural products

3 … of a Facile Tandem Wolff-
Cope Rearrangement … A modified Cope reaction with synthetic utility. “Standard” Cope reaction: driven by release of strain energy Ketene-assisted Cope: fused bicycle a,b-unsaturated system unconjugated olefin Product has desired functionality already in place

4 … of a Facile Tandem Wolff-
Cope Rearrangement … Wolff rearrangement generates ketenes from a-diazoketones: together form the tandem Wolff-Cope rearrangement

5 Some substrates do not undergo Wolff-Cope rearrangement

6 Transition state structure suggests threshold for reaction failure
Perfect agreement with experiment. reaction works reaction fails ( kcal/mol)

7 An alternate transition state with the right threshold energy
substituents spaced further apart, near constant DG‡ low-lying alternate path responsible for reaction failure!

8 The ketene functionality causes alternate pathway to be accessible
no ketene with ketene

9 Product instability normally keeps alternate path inaccessible
ring strain associated with trans double bond in 7-membered ring DG ~ 28.9 kcal/mol Hammond posulate disfavors alternate pathway

10 The ketene functionality preferentially stabilizes trans transition state
cis no ketene with ketene now cis, trans transition states are nearly degenerate

11 Cope transition states are a mix of aromatic/radical character
Distinguishing features synchronous 6e-, aromatic asynchronous, radical-like high DEtriplet-singlet low DEtriplet-singlet important GVB pairs:

12 Trans transition state has more radical character
DEt-s = 31.6 more radical character DEt-s=51.0 some radical character Ketenes stabilize radicals:

13 Trans transition state has more radical character: more evidence
trans ts is more suspectible to radical stabilization!

14 Also, there is a third transition state ... geometric constraints may prevent resonance.

15 Designing substrates that rearrange: two strategies
Stabilize cis transition state: Successfully used to rearrange bis- quarternary substrate. DGts = 16.0 kcal/mol 13.1

16 Designing substrates that rearrange: two strategies
Destabilize trans transition state via diaxial interactions. DDGcis-trans = –4.0, predicted to rearrange Observed to cyclize, but with cyclopropane ring intact. 1’, 4’ substitution

17 More diaxial destabilization of trans transition state
4’ substitution always problematic, cannot be “rescued” by 1’ substitution. Going to larger groups (TMS to Me to tBu) helps, but not enough.

18 Conclusions: what have we learned?
Substrate scope fully explained by cis vs. trans energies. Near degeneracy arises from preferential radical stabilization of trans transition state. Can design new substrates with substitution at “forbidden” sites that will rearrange.

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