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“Manifest Destiny and Mexico”

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1 “Manifest Destiny and Mexico”
Chapter 13 Lessons 1-3 “Manifest Destiny and Mexico” EQ: How does the United States acquire most of the Southwest territory?

2 Manifest Destiny In the 1830s many Americans started to believe in Manifest Destiny stated that the U.S. was destined to expand across North America. wagons were loaded as people move into Oregon Territory Destined= meant to, intended

3 Spanish Texas failure of the Spanish to attract settlers led them to offer the land to Americans. In 1821, Mexico secured its independence from Spain. land granted to the Americans by Spanish no longer valid; allowed to stay as long as they followed Mexican law.

4 Growing Tensions Americans and Mexicans clashed immediately.
Americans upset at following Mexican laws, especially the outlawing of slavery. Mexicans felt Americans were arrogant; also upset Americans did not convert to Catholicism.

5 Texas Revolts Mexicans closed U.S. immigration and pay taxes; sent troops to enforce the laws. Texans raised an army to gain independence. At the Alamo and Goliad, Texas army is destroyed; 5 out of 183 soldiers were alive at the end.


7 Victory at San Jacinto The massacres at Goliad and the Alamo inspired the Texans to continue to fight. 800 men were able to defeat the Mexican army in 18 minutes. Santa Anna was forced to sign a treaty granting Texas independence.

8 The Lone Star Republic Texas an independent nation, but wanted to be part of the U.S. Northerners did not want Texas to be a state - increase slavery. Others felt that making Texas a state would lead to war with Mexico…. and it did ``

9 Mexican Cession 1848 (first slide)
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo included the Mexican Cession, almost 1/3 of Mexico. U.S . got most of the Southwest through Mexican Cession U.S. had already offered $ to Mexico for Texas before the war

10 Mexican Cession Continued….
U.S. paid $15 million for the lost land After the war Mexicans suffered discrimination property rights of Mexicans were ignored by the United States government and local officials


12 Reflection Time! Summarize what we have learned today
10 complete sentences EQ reminder: How does the United States acquire most of the Southwest territory?

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