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Manifest Destiny Overview

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1 Manifest Destiny Overview 1803-1848

2 #1 - Louisiana Purchase In 1803, Thomas Jefferson was President.
England and France were at war France sold the Louisiana Territory to the US for $15 Million = 827,000 acres of land

3 Lewis & Clark’s Trip into the Unknown...

4 #2 - Florida - 1819 Who owns? Spain Problems created by…
Native Americans stealing/attacking Slaves running away to FL Monroe offers to buy from Spain for 5 million Spain agrees… why? Diplomacy - Practice of conducting negotiations between representatives of states. US never pays

5 #3 - Texan Annexation Had to follow 3 rules of Mexico to be given free land Must become citizen of Mexico Must obey the laws (no Slaves) Must join Catholic Church Thousands of U.S. settlers moved into Texas without permission. By 1830 there were 5 times number of Americans as Mexicans in Texas. Mexico says no more. Wanted to make Texas independent. Battle started - Battle at the Alamo, Battle at Goliad Americans captured Mexico’s Dictator - Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna - forced him to sign peace treaty that recognize Texas independence.

6 #4 - Oregon Territory The US and Great Britain Agree on a Compromise to split the Oregon Country on the 49th Parallel

7 #5 - Mexican Cession - 1848 Border Dispute between US and Mexico
US says border is the Rio Grande River Mexico says border is Nueces River (about 150 miles apart) Both sides warn the other to stay out! US offers to buy CA and NM Territory for million dollars Mexico declines and War breaks out, US Wins 3 parts to treaty Rio Grande is border US gets CA and NM Territories for 15 million dollars (40% of Mexico’s land) Mexico agrees TX is part of the US

8 Summarization How do I summarize?

9 What is Summarization? Please turn to your partner and discuss what you think it means to summarize a reading. When someone summarizes something, you tell the general idea and only the most important parts. How do you know the “most important parts”? Please turn to your partner and discuss what you think the most important parts are? When someone summarizes something, you tell the general idea and point out the who, what, when, where, why/how.

10 Example summaries from actual students here at PVJH, in 8th Grade, in Mrs. Hall’s class...
Summary of the Louisiana Purchase “Napoleon sold the land because he needed the money. He said it would cost 4 cents an acre.” Summary of the Texas Annexation “From the Texas revolution the texans were all like sup merica.” Summary of the Oregon Territory “because nether of them wanted to go to war, so they split the land.” Summary of the Mexican Cession “It costed 15 million dollars” Is there something wrong with these summaries??? Please turn to your partner and discuss.

11 Not all were bad….however we need some work!
What could make this statement stronger? Summary of the Louisiana Purchase “Napoleon sold the land because he needed the money. He said it would cost 4 cents an acre.” Please discuss with your partner to make this summary of the Louisiana Purchase better!

12 Things to remember.... When giving a summary you want to make sure you reference who is playing a role, what the situation is, when the time period is taken place, where the event is taken place at, why is the event going on. You do NOT need to put… Who - Neapolen, What - Louisiana Purchase, When …. GROSS!!!! NO ONE WILL WANT TO READ THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know I don’t... Think of it as though you are talking to someone who does not have a lot of background about the topic and you are explaining it to them!

13 Examples from our class…
Good or bad?

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