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New media 8/26/15.

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1 New media 8/26/15

2 Daguerreotype What is the point of this story? Rush to get new media- what was new media then is old media now- shows process- what do we notice about the dague. From this picture?

3 “the development of modern media, and the development of computers — begin around the same time. Both media machines and computing machines were absolutely necessary for the functioning of modern mass societies. The ability to disseminate the same texts, images and sounds to millions of citizens thus assuring that they will have the same ideological beliefs was as essential as the ability to keep track of their birth records, employment records, medical records, and police records” - Why is it important to historicize media? What does this do? Why is it important to critically look at history? What is the diff between criticism and critique?

4 Film Projector & Writing
What is correlation he draws b/w cinematography & writing (writing movement)- think about storage systems- how is this similar wrting? What kinds of systems are there? What does storage mean? How is this simla to lang?

5 Manovich’s Principles
1. Discrete Representations on Different Scales Pixels/ frames into larger movies- how is this different than illustration? Individual parts can be accessed without affecting overall structure-

6 Manovich’s Principles
2. Numerical Representation Can be described by math function & can use math function to alter- take out noise ofimage or sound

7 Manovich’s Principles
Automation Removes human from low level processing- has a template for example- why is this significant? Changes way things are made but also circulated- think about autocorrect, gives us based on country- reinforces power dynamics

8 Manovich’s Principles
Variability Always changing and multiple versions- what does this do to new media and writing?

9 Golumbia’s Digital Media
Non-linearity What is he talking about? Why is this important to consider? Is non-linearity physical or time based or both? What does this picture show us?

10 Golumbia’s Digital Media
Multimedia -allows me to show you shitty cat videos- but also Integrate of other souces- why imporant? Changes analysis-

11 Golumbia’s Digital Media
Hypertextuality -linking elements together- why is this so important?- creates connections- emphasizes non-linearity, -what are problems associated?- has turned into dominate determinedlinks- can lead readers to single place -

12 Golumbia’s Digital Media
Collaboration Intertextuality; computer code is usually collaborative- drawing attention to the way even writing is collaborative at almost all levels- writing is a conversation- social media and interactive commentary- what examples can you think of recently?

13 Golumbia’s Digital Media
Portability Easily reproducible- why is this under portability? b/c makes it easy to disseminate- think about pdfs- why would I put picture of minions up? Easy for artists to copy basic structure and make copies-

14 Golumbia’s Digital Media
Preservation -preservation- digitizing objects and media- wha does this say about the priviledging of information?

15 In groups of 3 Examine the ‘old’ media of the printed comic book
Look at the ‘new’ media of the Comixology comic book How do these negotiate the characteristics and qualities that Manovich and Golumbia discuss? Are they representative of their old/new spheres? Is there crossover between them? What characteristics are best seen by these examples?

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