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Friday, 23 November 2018 HOW TO ANSWER SOURCE QUESTIONS ON SURGERY QUESTION 4 Make sure you answer ALL Questions – especially Question 5 – this is worth.

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Presentation on theme: "Friday, 23 November 2018 HOW TO ANSWER SOURCE QUESTIONS ON SURGERY QUESTION 4 Make sure you answer ALL Questions – especially Question 5 – this is worth."— Presentation transcript:

Make sure you answer ALL Questions – especially Question 5 – this is worth the most marks. 2) Stick to a strict TIME LIMIT for Each Question as follows; - Question 1 – 6 Marks = 10 Minutes - Question 2 – 8 Marks = 10 Minutes - Question 3 – 10 Marks = 15 Minutes - Question 4 – 10 Marks = 15 Minutes - Question 5 – 16 Marks = 20 Minutes 3) ANSWER QUESTION 5 FIRST AND THEN WORK YOUR WAY BACKWARDS THROUGH THE PAPER. 3) PLAN your answers carefully – if the Question asks you to Use 4 sources and your own knowledge – you should usually write FIVE PARAGRAPHS – one paragraph on each of the sources and one paragraph on your own knowledge.

2 Lister’s Antiseptic Methods
Question 4 Study Sources D and E. How reliable are Sources D and E as evidence of the success of Lister’s antiseptic methods? Explain your answer, using Sources D and E and your own knowledge. (10 MARKS) Examiner’s Tips: Write about content AND Nature Origin and Purpose of each source. REMEMBER sources that are nearer the event are NOT always more useful or reliable. AVOID simple comments about primary and secondary being better or worse. BEST answers include OWN KNOWLEDGE.

3 Own knowledge Joseph Lister and antiseptics Page 118-119 “Brown Book”
Opposition to Lister’s methods Page “Brown Book”

4 Own knowledge Joseph Lister and antiseptics Page 118-119 “Brown Book”
Opposition to Lister’s methods Page “Brown Book” Some doctors didn’t accept the idea that microbes caused infection because microbes could not be seen without a microscope. Using carbolic solutions slowed down the whole operation, which lead to problems of blood loss. Doctors who copied Lister’s ideas did not always copy them properly and then, if they did not get an improved survival rate after operations they said that Lister’s ideas were wrong. Lister himself kept changing his methods in an attempt to further improve his work – many doctors thought this meant he was not sure of his ideas. The equipment was expensive and heavy. Some doctors had good results even without using carbolic acid. The nurses resented the extra work caused by this emphasis on hygiene. Carbolic acid caused irritation to doctors and nurses hands and lungs.

5 Own knowledge Opposition to Lister’s methods Page 120-121 “Brown Book”
Some doctors didn’t accept the idea that microbes caused infection because microbes could not be seen without a microscope. Using carbolic solutions slowed down the whole operation, which lead to problems of blood loss. Doctors who copied Lister’s ideas did not always copy them properly and then, if they did not get an improved survival rate after operations they said that Lister’s ideas were wrong. Lister himself kept changing his methods in an attempt to further improve his work – many doctors thought this meant he was not sure of his ideas. The equipment was expensive and heavy. Some doctors had good results even without using carbolic acid. The nurses resented the extra work caused by this emphasis on hygiene. Carbolic acid caused irritation to doctors and nurses hands and lungs.

6 SOURCE D From an article written by the editor of The Lancet in The Lancet is a medical journal. “Many of the most successful surgeons have given Mr Lister’s plan a trial and then given it up. They have returned to using previous methods. The use of the antiseptic system is certainly not more successful than the use of ordinary methods. It is said to be less successful. The germ theory may be correct, but nine out of ten surgeons do not much care whether it is or not. Their concern is only to cure their patients and reduce deaths to the lowest possible number.”

7 Lister’s Antiseptic Methods
Question 4 Study Sources D and E. How reliable are Sources D and E as evidence of the success of Lister’s antiseptic methods? Explain your answer, using Sources D and E and your own knowledge. (10 MARKS) Examiner’s Tips: Write about content AND Nature Origin and Purpose of each source. REMEMBER sources that are nearer the event are NOT always more useful or reliable. AVOID simple comments about primary and secondary being better or worse. BEST answers include OWN KNOWLEDGE.

8 SOURCE E From an article in The Times newspaper, published in It was written shortly after Lister’s death. “The opponents of Lister were not all stupid. In 1865 on one could have seen how successful Lister’s work would be. Disagreement arose because only a few people believed in the germ theory and accepted the views of Lister and Pasteur. Lister’s early methods did not always work. Statistics showed conflicting results. There was a need for more knowledge. Meanwhile, improvements were made without using carbolic acid. All these things led to resistance and arguments.”

9 Lister’s Antiseptic Methods
Question 4 Study Sources D and E. How reliable are Sources D and E as evidence of the success of Lister’s antiseptic methods? Explain your answer, using Sources D and E and your own knowledge. (10 MARKS) Examiner’s Tips: Write about content AND Nature Origin and Purpose of each source. REMEMBER sources that are nearer the event are NOT always more useful or reliable. AVOID simple comments about primary and secondary being better or worse. BEST answers include OWN KNOWLEDGE.

10 What is the difference between reliability and usefulness?
This is about whether we can TRUST the source. Usefulness This is about what we can LEARN about the topic using the source.

WRITE ABOUT - WHAT they tell you. WHICH one tells you the MOST? - WHAT the Source is – is it - a diary? Extract from a book or newspaper? Cartoon? Photo? - WHY was the Source produced? To persuade? Inform? Argue? - WHO wrote the Source? friend? rival? - WHERE did they get their information from? Eyewitness? Other Sources – books, newspapers - WHEN was it written? At the time? Later than the time?

SOURCE D SOURCE E WHAT does it tell you? WHAT is the Source? WHY was the Source produced? WHO wrote the Source? WHERE did they get information from? PRIMARY/ SECONDARY? WHEN was it written?

SOURCE D SOURCE E WHAT does it tell you? WHAT is the Source? WHY was the Source produced? WHO wrote the Source? WHERE did they get information from? PRIMARY/ SECONDARY? WHEN was it written? Tells you that Lister’s method was opposed. Most surgeons had tried Lister’s method but preferred to use the old methods. Shows that the germ theory was correct. BUT claims that some surgeons were too impatient to use Lister’s method properly. Tells you that Lister’s method was opposed and WHY it was opposed. Not everyone believed in the germ theory His method did not always work. Statistics were conflicting. Lack of knowledge about how it worked. Improvements were being made without using carbolic acid. An article from a medical journal called The Lancet. An article from a newspaper called The Times. A medical journal to be read by other doctors. A newspaper article to be read by the public about Lister’s antiseptic method. Editor of the medical journal. Reporter for the newspaper. PRIMARY SOURCE + view of a surgeon written at that time so gives a reliable account of how other surgeons felt about Lister’s method and that most did not think it worked. + written by a surgeon therefore facts likely to be accurate. - Lacks hindsight, this means that the surgeon is not in a position to judge the long-term success of Lister’s method. SECONDARY SOURCE + benefit of hindsight, gives an overview of what surgeons thought about Lister’s, therefore has access to more information. + gathers statistical evidence to show that his method didn’t always work at the beginning but were successful afterwards. - Mainly focuses on why people OPPOSED Lister’s method, where as Source D does recognise that some did follow Lister’s method 1875 1913 – after the death of Lister

Write about how useful Source D is … PARAGRAPH 3 Write about how useful Source E is … PARAGRAPH 4 CONCLUSION – give YOUR opinion on whether Source D or E is the more useful and EXPLAIN your choice.

15 SENTENCE STARTERS Source D gives me a lot of information about the problems experienced by surgeons. For example …….. Source E tells me a lot about the problems experienced by surgeons such as ……………………………. Source D was written by …………………… This makes it reliable because ……………………. Source E was written by ………………… This makes it reliable because ………………….. Source D was written in the year ………….. This might make it more reliable than Source E because ………………………………………….. Source E was written in the year ……………. This might make it more reliable than Source D because ……………………………………………..

16 HOW TO MARK ANSWERS Level One = 1 – 3 Marks = Grades G/F/E
A simple judgement on content or nature. Example – Source D is from the time and therefore reliable; Source D is by a surgeon therefore would be reliable; Source E gives details of statistics and therefore is very reliable. Level Two = 4 – 7 Marks = Grades D/C Judgement based on the reliability of the sources’ information OR based on an evaluation of the nature or authorship of sources. EITHER: Answer focuses on details which can be corroborated or challenged. Example – explains the accuracy of the information in Sources D and E, thast there were problems with using Lister’s methods, and uses own knowledge to explain that these came from carelessness when using carbolic spray. OR Answer focuses on how reliable the source is. Example – explains that Source D is from a surgeon at the time who will have known how other surgeons were feeling and is reliable evidence that they felt Lister’s methods didn’t work in 1875; Source E has the benefit of hindsight and can gather statistical evidence that Lister’s methods were successful and also that they didn’t always work at the beginning. MAX 5 MARKS if only ONE source is used. MAX 6 MARKS if OWN KNOWLEDGE is NOT used. Level Three = 8 – 10 Marks = Grades B/A/A* Judgement based on BOTH content and reliability. Example – explains that the evidence from Source D that Lister’s antiseptic method was ‘not more successful’ than ordinary methods in 1875 may be reliable to some extent since the author shows some of the surgeons distrusted the ideas and were too impatient to use them properly; However, the surgeon is not in a position to judge the longer-term success; The use of carbolic acid was based on the germ theory which was correct and did actually reduce infection. MAX 8 MARKS if OWN KNOWLEDGE is NOT used OR if only ONE source is used.

17 HOW TO MARK ANSWERS Level Two = 4 – 7 Marks = Grades D/C
Judgement based on the reliability of the sources’ information OR based on an evaluation of the nature or authorship of sources. EITHER: Answer focuses on details which can be corroborated or challenged. Example – explains the accuracy of the information in Sources D and E, thast there were problems with using Lister’s methods, and uses own knowledge to explain that these came from carelessness when using carbolic spray. OR Answer focuses on how reliable the source is. Example – explains that Source D is from a surgeon at the time who will have known how other surgeons were feeling and is reliable evidence that they felt Lister’s methods didn’t work in 1875; Source E has the benefit of hindsight and can gather statistical evidence that Lister’s methods were successful and also that they didn’t always work at the beginning. MAX 5 MARKS if only ONE source is used. MAX 6 MARKS if OWN KNOWLEDGE is NOT used.

18 HOW TO MARK ANSWERS Level Three = 8 – 10 Marks = Grades B/A/A*
Judgement based on BOTH content and reliability. Example – explains that the evidence from Source D that Lister’s antiseptic method was ‘not more successful’ than ordinary methods in 1875 may be reliable to some extent since the author shows some of the surgeons distrusted the ideas and were too impatient to use them properly; However, the surgeon is not in a position to judge the longer-term success; The use of carbolic acid was based on the germ theory which was correct and did actually reduce infection. MAX 8 MARKS if OWN KNOWLEDGE is NOT used OR if only ONE source is used.

19 Still to add Grade boundaries Primary/secondary source? RESOURCES
1) Blank A3 copy of table “Compare the reliability of sources” 2) Blank A4 copy of table “Own Knowledge” 3) Page “Brown Book” - Joseph Lister and antiseptics 4) Page “Brown Book” - Opposition to Lister’s methods.

SOURCE D SOURCE E WHAT does it tell you? WHAT is the Source? WHY was the Source produced? WHO wrote the Source? WHERE did they get information from? PRIMARY/ SECONDARY? WHEN was it written?

21 Own knowledge Joseph Lister and antiseptics Page 118-119 “Brown Book”
Opposition to Lister’s methods Page “Brown Book”

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