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Welcome to A-Level History!

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1 Welcome to A-Level History!
See Example Exam Papers & Mark Schemes! Component 1: Breadth Study – 1 Exam, Summer 2017 1C The Tudors: England, 1485–1603 Component 2: Depth Study - 1 Exam, Summer 2017 2O Democracy and Nazism: Germany, 1918–1945 Each Component will be assessed by: A Written exam: 2 hours 30 minutes Three questions (Question 1 is compulsory) 80 marks - 40% of A-level Tudor Paper Questions = Two sections Section A: One compulsory question linked to historical interpretations (30 marks) Section B: Two from three essays (2 x 25 marks = 50 marks) Nazism Paper Questions = Two sections Section A: One compulsory question linked to primary sources or sources contemporary to period (30 marks) The key is to make links… Change over time, Cause & consequence, Similarity & difference, 6 key questions p.vii-viii Print pages from big book, reading lists, exam papers, mark schemes etc FOR TUDORS: The key is to make links…Change over time, Cause & consequence, Similarity & difference, 6 key questions - p.vii-viii in bog book

2 Welcome to A-Level History!
Component 3: Historical Investigation (NEA) A personal study based on a topic of your choice regarding… Civil Rights in the USA (such as MLK’s contributions) The Collapse of Tsardom in Russia It should take the form of a question in the context of approximately 100 years. It must not duplicate the content of options chosen for Components and 2 (Tudors and Nazism). words - 40 marks, 20% of A-level - Marked by teachers, then moderated by AQA Examiners (very strict!) Through the topics studied in Components 1, 2 and 3 (Historical Investigation), A-level students must cover a chronological range of at least 200 years.

3 Print out for students! – also print out reading lists

4 First Things! Buy a folder for Tudors and a folder for Nazism!
Use clear dividers and plastic wallets: organisation is key! Think about a topic question that you might like to do for your NEA – do not leave this to the last minute! Search out reading material – This is absolutely key to success if you want a C and above!!! Online articles and hard copies – 2nd hand is much cheaper! Buy the revision guides! Do not waste your study periods! SEE READING LIST! hand out feedback sheets next week NAME / A-LEVEL HISTORY: Democracy & Nazism / Mr. Thompson / Year 12

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