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Ending Family Homelessness in Cuyahoga County

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1 Ending Family Homelessness in Cuyahoga County
Why we are doing this – 1. concern about children in shelter. 2. Felt it is a solvable problem at the scale that is occurs in Cleveland (480 – 530 families/year) 3. Address non chronic, non single community needs 4. Many system overlap issues and possibilities for leverage I have identified 3 components – will describe , and then a fourth slide highlighting system challenges.

2 1. Coordinated Intake & Assessment
“FRONT DOOR” to CoC system 1 location: single men /single women & families Diversion Standard assessment and HMIS entry Housing plan Immediate shelter placement Coordination of housing resources Linkage to System Resources Utilize system resources more fully Assure that highest need households are being served Match resources to needs better across the system Assure accurate data entry, referral tracking and documentation of homelessness

3 2. Opening the Back Door……
Housing First value Rapid ReHousing for all HHs referred in 7 days; housing selected in 30 days Shelter focus: IDs, furniture, utilities, assist with housing search Shift paradigm of shelter as program based location Reduce shelter length of stay for two reasons: better for families and enables more families to be served without adding shelter beds.

72 ZHS 8 Months of Assistance 342 Housed No More Subsidy 414 RRH 4 Months of Assistance 88% Remained Housed 10% Returned to Family 2% Shelter All families are referred for RRH in 7 days No barriers to referral A single agency manages the RRH Housing program: locators assist with finding housing, inspections, Rent reasonableness; documentation of client and housing eligibility; coordination of RRH case management and client stability tracking; refrral for Zacceus Housing program.

5 2016 RRH – Progressive Subsidy Exiting Households
11 HH PSH/PH Ongoing Subsidy 61 HH No Ongoing Subsidy 72 ZHS HH 8 Months of Assistance 85% Remained Housed 1% Other Shelter 13% Returned to Family Referrals for ZHS and PSH/PH are being coordinated in addition with Coordinated Entry – staff position that will maintain “byname” list of families in RRH, ZHS and in need of PSH/long term PH. Bi-monthly meetings for review of family stability, planning for additional needs.


BOARD’ WITH HOUSING FIRST AND PROGRESSIVE ENGAGEMENT (B) DETERMING THE AMOUNT OF RESOURCES NEEDED AND THEN DEVELOPING THE RESOURCES (C) ASSURING HOUSING STABILITY Still shifting from old paradigm that believed that people had to be “ready” for housing…shelter was a place to learn skills for living in housing…and that if someone is challenged in maintaining housing, they should return to homelessness; If you are serious about doing this, need to calculate the # of families who experience homelessness annually ; considering resources available, determine the # of families that can be assisted within set subsidy amounts/lengths of subsidy; what is strategy for families who are not stable within the time frame? How to reduce returns to shelter by most vulnerable families?

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