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WESTAR PSD New Framework

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Presentation on theme: "WESTAR PSD New Framework"— Presentation transcript:

1 WESTAR PSD New Framework
March 31 – April 1 Meeting in Seattle

2 Overview Review of guiding principles
Discussion of 3 major topic area: Protecting AQRVs Determining and protecting increment in Class II areas Baseline emissions and inventory issues Synthesis and next steps

3 Attendees Nearly all states EPA NPS for FLMs
WESTAR staff and contractor

4 Issue Mapping Procedure used for all topic areas Develop action plan
Brainstorm and record – questions, questions, questions Categorization Organization Develop action plan






10 Categories of Issues Methods, analysis and goals Roles Program design
Implementation approach – cap & trade Resources Political feasibility Impacts on sources/equity Environmental benefits/impacts

11 Major Themes Class I area AQRVs Class II/III area
Effects based AQRV protection (e.g., critical loads) Class II/III area 2 options Change focus from short-term to annual Alternative without increments Approach dependent on outcome of Class I process

12 Major Themes Baseline emissions inventory improvement 2 options
Secure, stable baseline inventories Reset baseline dates

13 Caveats Process for defining specifics for new frameworks will take at least 18 months Follow-through is essential Time the roll-out to assure positive outcome

14 Next Steps Does the Board want to go forward with implementing the initiative? Staff and monetary resources Partnering and cost-sharing

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