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MSFD PoMs workshop on CEA/CBA input to WG ESA

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Presentation on theme: "MSFD PoMs workshop on CEA/CBA input to WG ESA"— Presentation transcript:

1 MSFD PoMs workshop on CEA/CBA input to WG ESA
1 April 2014 Brussels

2 Deliverables (documents)
Some text in PoM Recommendation paper (changes due to workshop exchanges in the main text + possible annex summary report) Presentations and minutes on CIRCA Best practice exchange document including cases from workshop, other references and provide further insight into approaches applied Deliverables (documents)

3 Deliverables (further actions) Future issues of WG ESA
Issues that sit outside of WG ESA, to be included in MSCG, WG GES

4 PoM recommendation On economic analysis:
- Requirements of the Directive - Different functions of CBA/CEA mentioned (briefly, extended in best practice paper) - Table (category of measures) CBA not necessarily being monetized baseline worked out as described in the WG ESA guidelines (Baseline includes future scenario) Existing measures: - don’t report again if reported elsewhere. - are included in the baseline and expected effect of already implemented legislation delivers the baseline (if baseline includes future scenario)

5 PoM recommendation If no quantified target, CEA/CBA can still be done.
Environmental effects: in time, monitoring will provide evaluation of “extent of success” of (sets of) measures (adaptive management) Good practices presented: Pragmatic approach, stakeholder consultation & integration in decision-making are key CBA does not necessarily have to be fully monetized (to be included in PoM Recommendation)

6 WG GES MSCG & other Environmental effects WG GES Baseline MSCG

7 Possible stepwise approach (PoMs recomm paper)

8 Can the stepwise approach be considered as a universal framework and be included in the PoMs Recommendation paper / best practice exchange doc? Is it too general or already too prescribing? What changes should be made? Which elements are lacking? Or /and adapt step-wise approach under PoMs recommendation IV to have it as a more pragmatic approach?



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