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Chapter 4, Section 2 Population Geography.

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1 Chapter 4, Section 2 Population Geography

2 Population grew exponentially during the industrial age 4.2
Birthrate -number of live births per 1,000 people Fertility rate - the average number of children a woman can expect to have in her lifetime 2.1 is required to maintain a population Mortality rate or Death rate – number of deaths per 1,000 Infant Mortality Rate – the number of deaths among infants under age one per thousand live births Rate of Natural Increase = Birthrate minus Death Rate (plus or minus migration)

3 A population pyramid is a graphic that shows age and sex distribution of a population

4 People are NOT distributed evenly across the earth
Almost 2/3 of the population lives between 20° N and 60°N Warm enough Wet enough Near coasts and river valleys Lightly populated areas are polar regions, heavily mountainous regions, rain forests and deserts

5 Currently more than half the world’s population lives in rural areas
This number is changing rapidly People are moving to cities Particularly cities of more than 1 million people Twenty-six giant cities, known as megacities have a total of 250 million people Tokyo has 28 million These cities struggle with problems of overcrowding and sanitation

6 Migration-Reasons for migrating are sometimes called push-pull factors
Environmental conditions such as drought Political oppression War Religious persecution Strong economies/jobs Favorable climate Political and religious freedoms Reconnect family

7 More population Population density is the average number of people per a square unit of land Can be misleading Areas within region may be unevenly populated Most people in Egypt live in the Nile Valley A better concept for comparison may be carrying capacity – based on the ability of the land to support a population A region with fertile land may support more people The carrying capacity may rise due to technology Irrigation Mechanized farming Cities

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