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Blanket Purchase Orders Training Presentation for Supply Chain Platform: BAE Systems July 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Blanket Purchase Orders Training Presentation for Supply Chain Platform: BAE Systems July 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blanket Purchase Orders Training Presentation for Supply Chain Platform: BAE Systems July 2012

2 Course Objectives After completing this course, you should be able to: >Understand the blanket order process in SCP >Explain the various blanket order states and action options >Access and print a blanket order >View blanket order details and attachments >Respond to a blanket order >Review changes to a blanket order SCP-BAES: Copyright 2012 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary and Confidential 322-1

3 Blanket Order Business Process 322-2 SCP-BAES: Copyright 2012 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary and Confidential

4 Business Process 1.Blanket Order: Buyers publish blanket orders to their suppliers 2.Blanket Order Response: Suppliers should respond to the blanket order 3.Blanket Order Changes: Buyers may publish changes or cancellations to previously published blanket orders. Suppliers are typically expected to respond. Blanket Order Responses Blanket Order (BPO) Buyer Supplier 1 2 Blanket Order Changes or Cancellations 3 322-3 SCP-BAES: Copyright 2012 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary and Confidential

5 Supplier/Buyer Actions for Blanket Orders New - blanket orders are loaded into SCP in a New state, with all line items in a New state. Updated – this is a state change by the buyer, to indicate a change to the blanket order. Accepted – supplier accepts the order line. Acknowledge with Exceptions – supplier acknowledges the request, but with proposed changes Cancelled – the buyer can move a blanket order line to the Cancelled state. Closed – the buyer can move a blanket order line to the Closed state. Archived – any blanket order line that has been Accepted or Closed and has not been updated in 120 days will move the Archived state. 322-4 SCP-BAES: Copyright 2012 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary and Confidential

6 View Blanket Orders 322-5 SCP-BAES: Copyright 2012 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary and Confidential

7 Blanket Order Structure The blanket order has information at two levels: >Header >Blanket line items Each line item represents an item to be purchased. It does not provide the release schedule for the item. That is handled through a separate release process. Order Line Item Header Line Item A blanket order defines the agreement for an item to be procured from a supplier. It usually contains the start and end date for the agreement, total quantity and the price. 322-6 SCP-BAES: Copyright 2012 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary and Confidential

8 View Blanket Orders 322-7 SCP-BAES: Copyright 2012 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary and Confidential

9 View List of Blanket Order Lines 322-8 SCP-BAES: Copyright 2012 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary and Confidential

10 View Blanket Order Details 322-9 SCP-BAES: Copyright 2012 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary and Confidential

11 View Buyer Message 322-10 SCP-BAES: Copyright 2012 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary and Confidential

12 View Attachment to Blanket Order 322-11 SCP-BAES: Copyright 2012 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary and Confidential

13 Print Attachments 1 1 2 2 3 3 322-12 SCP-BAES: Copyright 2012 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary and Confidential

14 Respond to Blanket Orders 322-13 SCP-BAES: Copyright 2012 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary and Confidential

15 Accept a Blanket Order You will receive an email alert when you have new blanket orders in SCP. 322-14 SCP-BAES: Copyright 2012 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary and Confidential

16 An Accepted Blanket Order 322-15 SCP-BAES: Copyright 2012 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary and Confidential

17 Acknowledge with Exceptions – Blanket Order 322-16 SCP-BAES: Copyright 2012 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary and Confidential You can edit the Promise Qty and Supplier Price fields on a blanket order.

18 Acknowledge with Exceptions – Blanket Order 322-17 SCP-BAES: Copyright 2012 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary and Confidential You can edit the Promise Qty and Supplier Price fields on a blanket order. Supplier Message is a required field if you acknowledge with exceptions.

19 Order Response Buttons Are Missing… For blanket orders, Accept and Acknowledge with Exceptions are end states. This means that once ALL of the lines in an order have moved to Accepted or Acknowledged with Exceptions, then the action buttons for these two states are no longer available. Note: If a change order comes through for any line in the order, then the Accept and Acknowledge with Exceptions buttons will reappear for all lines. 321-18 SCP-BAES: Copyright 2012 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary and Confidential

20 Blanket Order Changes 322-19 SCP-BAES: Copyright 2012 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary and Confidential

21 Blanket Order Alerts 322-20 SCP-BAES: Copyright 2012 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary and Confidential

22 Closed/Cancelled Blanket Orders 322-21 SCP-BAES: Copyright 2012 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary and Confidential

23 Search Archived Blanket Orders 322-22 SCP-BAES: Copyright 2012 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary and Confidential

24 Shipments and Invoices for Blanket Orders For shipments and invoices against blanket orders, you should follow the same process that you use with BAE Systems today (not through SCP). If you also receive discrete orders in SCP, then you may be expected to ship or invoice against them in SCP. For all business processes, your BAE Systems buyer will determine which process workflows should be handled in SCP. 322-23 SCP-BAES: Copyright 2012 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary and Confidential

25 Section Summary We have learned… How to access new blanket orders How to print the attached schedule agreement from BAE Systems How to accept blanket orders How to view blanket order changes 322-24 SCP-BAES: Copyright 2012 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary and Confidential

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