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Copyright Larry J. Sabato 2016

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1 Copyright Larry J. Sabato 2016

2 Sabato’s Crystal Ball:
The 2016 election 11/23/2018 4:25 AM Copyright Larry J. Sabato 2016 © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

3 How Trump Wins No Third Term Obama/Clinton Fatigue
Rust Belt Strength – Non-College Blue Collars Increasing White % of Electorate by 4-5% Fall Recession? Fall Terrorism? Supreme Court focus Copyright Larry J. Sabato 2016

4 The News Media’s Choice: Trump
Source: mediaQuant Copyright Larry J. Sabato 2016

5 How Hillary Wins Demographic Trends
Anti-Trump Wave – Minorities plus High Turnout Obama at 50% Job Approval Women’s Vote Reunite w/ Sanders Copyright Larry J. Sabato 2016

6 “Real Republican Ticket”
2016 Presidential Election: Other November Options? “Real Republican Ticket” No French Revolution Libertarians Johnson/Weld Greens Remember Nader Copyright Larry J. Sabato 2016

7 Chris Christie Scott Walker John Kasich Bob Corker Jan Brewer
2016 Presidential Election: Only 113 Days Away A Sampling of Possible R VPs Chris Christie Scott Walker John Kasich Bob Corker Jan Brewer Newt Gingrich Copyright Larry J. Sabato 2016

8 Tim Kaine Julián Castro Sherrod Brown Elizabeth Warren Joe Biden
2016 Presidential Election: Only 113 Days Away A Sampling of Possible D VPs Tim Kaine Julián Castro Sherrod Brown Elizabeth Warren Joe Biden Copyright Larry J. Sabato 2016

9 2016 Trump v. Clinton 347 191 Copyright Larry J. Sabato 2016

10 The Political Map of the US
Copyright Larry J. Sabato 2016

11 Intense Polarization Source: Pew Research Center
Copyright Larry J. Sabato 2016

12 Intense Polarization Copyright Larry J. Sabato 2016

13 Red States Carried by Obama
2016 Senate Races Red States Carried by Obama FL, IA, IL, NH, OH, PA, WI Copyright Larry J. Sabato 2016

14 2016 Senate Ratings 47 5 48 Copyright Larry J. Sabato 2016

15 If Democrats win the Senate, Bernie Sanders wants the chair, but Patty Murray is in line
Copyright Larry J. Sabato 2016

16 2018 Senate Map Copyright Larry J. Sabato 2016

17 191 18 226 2016 Congress Dems. Reps. House: 247 R, 188 D Toss-ups
2016 House Ratings Dems. Toss-ups Reps. 191 18 226 OUTLOOK – Dems +10 or so Copyright Larry J. Sabato 2016

18 Vast majority of members will return
If Rs hold the House, Joe Wilson or Virginia Foxx are possible Kline replacements Copyright Larry J. Sabato 2016

19 2016 Gubernatorial Ratings
Copyright Larry J. Sabato 2016

20 State legislatures Copyright Larry J. Sabato 2016

21 Who funds campaigns Copyright Larry J. Sabato 2016

22 To read more…
Copyright Larry J. Sabato 2016

23 Available from the following:
The Bellwether: Now available Available from the following: Copyright Larry J. Sabato 2016

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