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Presentation on theme: "Photosynthesis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Photosynthesis

2 What is photosynthesis?
Where does it happen? What do you know about it already? Why is it useful?

3 Looking at the underside of a leaf
Look at the underside of a leaf Capture a photograph Stick the photograph in your book – label the following What are the parts for? epidermis leaf guard cell stomata (singular stoma) Video link

4 Structure of a leaf

5 What happens during photosynthesis?
light energy carbon dioxide water oxygen glucose chlorophyll Why is this useful to all living organisms?

6 How do we know photosynthesis has happened?
Starch testing Plants turn glucose (a monomer) into starch (a polymer) We pick a leaf We fix the leaf We remove the chlorophyll We soften the leaf We add iodine Black = starch Brown = no starch Ethanol is flammable

7 Limiting factors (1) Weak bicarbonate solution No bicarbonate solution
Oxygen collected Bicarb solution Pond weed No bicarbonate solution Weak bicarbonate solution Strong bicarbonate solution What is the bicarb for? What variables are we controlling?

8 Limiting factors (2) Light Dark What variables are we controlling?
Oxygen collected Bicarb solution Pond weed Light Dark What variables are we controlling?

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