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Grass Anatomy Family Poaceae.

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Presentation on theme: "Grass Anatomy Family Poaceae."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grass Anatomy Family Poaceae

2 Inflorescence structure
Inflorescence: The flowering unit of a grass or other forb. The collection of spikelets. .


4 Spikelet- A collection of flowers(florets) on a single
branch of a grasses inflorescence

5 Inflorescence Types: Spikelike: Tightly packed spikelets with no noticeable branching.

6 Spike: One or more spikelets are located on a central axis.

7 Raceme: First branches off central axis bear spikelets

8 Panicle: Central axis with primary and secondary branches containing spikelets. (most common type)

9 Leaf structure Leaf blade: Usually narrow, linear, parallel veined.
Sheath: Section at base of leaf blade wrapped around culm.

10 Auricle: Ear-like structures at base of blade. May be absent.
Ligule: Interior collar-like structure at the junction of the blade and the sheath.


12 Stem structure Culm: Round, hollow stem.
Node: Lignified section of the culm, typically at the base of a leaf blade. Internode: The section of culm between nodes.

13 Root structure Roots: Deep root penetration with fibrous roots (max 2.5m) Rhizomes: Lateral root growths

14 Stolons: Horizontal culm, growing at ground level, rooting at the node.

15 Flower structure


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