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Conference on ICT For Sustainable Development

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1 Conference on ICT For Sustainable Development
“Nation on the Move” ADDRESS BY Dr. APJ ABDUL KALAM AT Conference on ICT For Sustainable Development NIAS, Bangalore 16 JANUARY 2004 Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

SECOND VISION: DEVELOPED INDIA SELF SUFFICIENCY IN FOOD IMPROVED STANDARD OF LIVING PROSPERITY FIRST VISION: INDEPENDENT INDIA ECONOMIC GROWTH >10 % GDP NEAR ZERO POVERTY LEVEL NEAR 100 % LITERACY SELF RELIANCE IN CRITICAL SECTORS INDEPENDENT INDIA 1.7  Vision for the nation We got freedom in 1947, that was the result of first vision for the nation. This vision created best of leaders in many fields like politics, philosophy, science & technology and industry. In many aspects of life, improvement in literacy, agricultural products, strategic areas, certain small and large-scale industries took place. Now more than fifty years have gone by and we are called as one of the hundreds of developing countries, in a distinct way a separation from G-8 countries. We have many challenges. Nearly 300 million people who are below the poverty line have to join the mainstream of a good life. 100% literacy, health for all, multiple industrial and agricultural productivity and life style with value system has to emerge FIRST INDEPENDENCE MOVEMENT 1857 1947 1997 2020 19th CENTURY 20th CENTURY 21st CENTURY


4 GDP contribution from different sectors
INDIA – The CHANGING PATTERN OF GDP SECTORS & EMPLOYMENT ( ) By 2020 A % I % S % 40% 36% 30% 44% 17% GDP contribution from different sectors A A S A S S 53% I I I 24% 26% 30% Year 2012 (Projected) Year 1980 Year 1994 17% 21% 24% Employment in different sectors S S S I 1.6 Changes in employment, agriculture, Industry and Service – Knowledge Industries In 1980, agriculture areas employed in parts or in full 76% of people of the country and it reduced to 65% in 1994 and expected to further fall to 60% of people in agriculture by Whereas, the demand of agricultural products will double in quantity, productivity using technology and post harvest management will have to compensate the manpower reduction in farming and agricultural products sector. In the case of industry, in 1980, 13% of the population was employed in small scale and large scale industries. The trend continued during However, it has to increase in 2010, as the GDP growth with high technology in the situation of opening up of the economy under WTO region. The pattern of employment will take a new shape. Service with knowledge industry component from 11% employability in 1980 has increased to 20% in And further it will increase to 54% in in view of infrastructure, maintenance areas, financial sector, IT sector and entertainment demands. This big change will demand in all areas more trained skilled human power and technology personnel. Our industrialists, commercial chiefs and technologists may have to get ready for such transformation in agriculture, industries and service – knowledge industries for which human manpower with knowledge and skills has to be evolved in a mission mode. Ensuing lecture will discuss the strategy for employment and nation wealth generation. And also evolution of knowledge management has been presented linking vision for the nation. I I A A 16% 13% 15% A 70% 65% 60% *IT is included in service sector Primary (A) - Agriculture Secondary (I) Industries Tertiary (S) Service

Raw material and Agricultural Products Industrial Products Information Products Knowledge Products Tertiary Sector (Services) Innovative knowledge- Intensive Products/Services Secondary Sector Explicit Knowledge through networks Primary Sector Explicit Knowledge (Technology) added Products VALUE ADDITION 1.5 Economic growth in different societies During the last century the world has undergone a change from agriculture society, where manual labour was the critical factor, to industrial society where the management of technology, capital and labour provided the competitive advantage. Then the information era was born, last decade, where connectivity and software products are driving the economy of a few nations. In the 21st century, a new society is emerging where knowledge is the primary production resource instead of capital and labour. Efficient utilisation of this existing knowledge can create comprehensive wealth of the nation and also improve the quality of life - in the form of better health, education, infrastructure and other social indicators. Ability to create and maintain the knowledge infrastructure, develop knowledge workers and enhance their productivity through creation, growth and exploitation of new knowledge will be the key factors in deciding the prosperity of this Knowledge Society. Whether a nation has arrived at a stage of knowledge society is judged by the way the country effectively deals with knowledge creation and knowledge deployment in all sectors like IT, Industries, Agriculture, Health Care etc., Natural Products SOCIETAL TRANSFORMATION Agriculture Society Industrial Society Information Society Knowledge Society

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