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PEACE IV: Monitoring & Evaluation

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1 PEACE IV: Monitoring & Evaluation
Quality and Impact Body Youth Pact Co-Operation Ireland / University of Ulster / National Youth Council of Ireland Evaluation Team Centre for Identity and Intergroup Relations Evaluation Team Queen’s University Belfast

2 Purpose of evaluation and monitoring
Role of YouthPact and Queen’s University Belfast is three-fold : 1. To gather and present robust evidence to illustrate the impact of the Peace IV Children and Young people strand. 2. To illustrate how the youth work approach is central to this development. 3. To share and celebrate good practice.

3 Evaluation Team Quality & Impact body
Centre for Identity & Intergroup Relations Evaluation Team, QUB Test intervention logic of Obj 2.1 Report back to SEUPB (report 1 Oct 2018) Longitudinal impact evaluation Participant surveys Project focus groups Develop and host two conferences on Children and Youth People YouthPact Support for monitoring projects Support to gather project data Qualitative data collection for best practice Interviews with participants to identify transformative moments Interviews with staff to elaborate on practice which leads to change Writing up practice to information phase 2

4 Who will see this information and how will this be used?
YouthPact – Quality &Impact Body - Voluntary Evaluation TEAM – Queen’s University Belfast - Required WHO? Session information viewed to understand intervention logic/project design. Session reflections viewed. HOW? Training and learning sessions devised to respond to worker feedback. Interventions written into practice and policy papers. Interventions presented as part of sharing and learning events. WHO? Longitudinal Surveys on a quarterly basis. Participant Profiles on a quarterly basis. Session information to understand intervention logic/project design. HOW? Analysed and presented to SEUPB as evidence of impact on an annual basis.

5 Reporting to SEUPB Individual delivery agents are responsible for reporting to SEUPB on a quarterly basis on: Unique Learner Number Intensity of engagement Timeframe of engagement Community ID of participants per cohort Distance travelled

6 “Cohort” profile – this is done once at the start of your group/cohort.
Cohort code – STRIVE- 001 Dates of engagement – October 2017 – April 2018 Hours of engagement – 18 hours per week. Project design – e.g. music-based project; social action project with Volunteer NOW; 4 residentials. Anticipated participants (Number/ULNs) Community ID breakdown

7 Participant profile – this is done once at the start of each cohort
Community background Ethnicity Disability status Caregiver status Unique Learner Number Age/Date of birth Gender Postcode (BTXX)/eir-code

8 Session information – after each session
Activity date Times for activity Activity goals Brief description of activities Activity nature – cross-border, cross-community, single identity, good relations Unique Learner Number for all in attendance

9 Session reflection – after each session
Session Goal/s – drop down menu from 17 sub-heading What was I hoping to achieve in the session? How effective was this session in achieving this goal? (sliding scale) What information leads me to this rating? Tell us of any barriers or set-backs that impacted on your session? Any change moments? Any critical conversations or interactions?

10 Participant Survey Measure ‘distance travelled’
Longitudinal design – 4 time points Explore impact of PEACE IV funding Good relations Personal development Citizenship Explore intervention logic

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